It's Always Something

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I walked over to the swing set and sat down, lightly swinging in the swing. I waited patiently, knowingness I was earlier than them. I suddenly felt a hand over my mouth and a knife against my throat.

"I told you. You're not going to get away with murder. Katsumi was my sister. Five years ago, she was happy. Now, her family will never be able to see her smile. We made a mistake of letting you go, Harumi. No one will believe me. But I know who you are. And you will pay for your sins," He said and I screamed, but it was only muffled. Tears streamed down my face. He thinks I'm Harumi!!

"Akio!" I heard a voice and saw both Light and L.

"You can't stop me. Harumi has done wrong and it's up to me to kill her," He said.

"Put the knife down Akio. That isn't Harumi. That's (Y/N). Harumi was already executed," L explained.

"No. Y-Your lying!" Akio exclaimed. I bit his finger and he screamed before he let me go. I jumped out of the swing and ran toward Light and L.

I turned back to see Akio slowly walking towards us. He was laughing quietly.

"You're wrong. She's Harumi. She killed my sister," he stated and ran towards me. Light quickly grabbed his arm and twisted it behind his back. Akio dropped the knife and Light pulled out his phone and called whoever. My heart was racing and I started hyperventilating. Light took Akio away and L came over to me.

"(Y/N). Calm down. Took a deep breath in and out," he said. Too much was happening. I had to decide between him and Light and I almost got killed. His words were becoming faint. My legs felt like jelly so I gripped on to L for support. He wrapped his arm around me to help support me. I couldn't hear what he was saying so I focused on my breathing. I looked over to see Light coming over to me and he put an arm over my shoulder. I couldn't do this anymore.

"I.....c-can't do this..." I whispered. As if on cue, my hearing became clearer.

"Don't think about the situation right now, just focus on breathing,"L's soothing voice consoled.

"No," I said.

"(Y/N)-" Light began and I pushed them off me. I began to see black spots.

"I-I'm sorry-" I whispered before being engulfed in darkness.

I woke up and quickly sat up.

"Light! L!" I exclaimed and the rushed over to me. I realized I was back at the station. The computer screens that used to emit a glaring light, were now off. It was just the three of us.

"Are you okay?" They both asked in unison.

"Yes,I'm fine. I guess it was just too much to take in," I replied. I sighed.

"I was there for a reason. I-" I started.

"You don't have to-" Light began.

"No, I think I should. Look, I know that I have to choose. I can't keep hurting one or the other everyday. I can't give you an answer since I don't have a clear mind right now," I said.

"That's understandable, but I don't want you to-" L began.

"I'm going to meet you tomorrow at the fountain near the park. I'm completely fine, I don't need rest," I gave a reassuring smile. They smiled as well and I left. Though, I do have feelings for them both, I know and they know, that I have to choose.



Hey guys!! I kind of rushed this chapter so yeah, sorry. Well, are you ready for the decision? Not like the suspense should matter since, like I've said before, there will be two endings. Thanks for reading! Bai!

In the decision chapters it'll be....sweet/romantic. Caution: You may fangirl. Continue at your own risk.

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