Decision (Light)

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I walked up to the fountain and sat on the ledge. I turned and looked at the water, saw my reflection and sighed. No doubt that my heart was racing. I ran my fingers through the surface and turned back around. I picked up a flower and twirled it around.

"(Y/N)" L called and I looked up to see both Light and L. I got up and dropped the flower.

"H-Hey," I greeted. My heart was racing. My stomach was in knots and I felt as if I was shaking.

"Look, if you don't want to do this you don't have to. If you need more time we'll understand," Light gave a reassuring smile.

"No. I need to do this," I stated and let out a sigh.

"Look, I care very much for both of you, and honestly, I'm amazed that you two return the feelings I have, but beside that point," I paused for a second and sighed. "You both know why you're here so I shouldn't have to explain that," I continued.

"I would never hurt you," L said. I took a step towards Light.

"I could give you everything you've ever wanted," Light said. I looked down. You have to do this. You can't back out now.

"So, who is it?" Light asked.

"You, Light," I answered and he smiled. I looked at L who looked hurt.

"You know where I will be. Bye, (Y/N)," L said and with that he left. I watched until he disappeared. Light softly grabbed my chin and made me face him.

"It's okay," he whispered and I gave him a hug which he returned. I looked up.

"I want to show you something," he smiled and took my hand. I walked with him to wherever we were going. The sun was setting, painting everything an orange color.

We arrived at a a stream that ran its way into a beautiful blue-green pond. The sound of the stream was relaxing.

"It's beautiful," I complimented. I looked ahead and, hidden in the trees, was a small brick house.

"What's that?" I asked pointing to the house.

"Not sure," Light replied.

"Let's go...investigate," I smirked and walked over a log that led to the other side.

I got up to the front door and saw that it looked pretty well taken care of. I knocked and no one answered.

"Maybe it's abandoned," Light stated, scaring me.

"Sorry," he chuckled.

"Not funny. Let's go inside," I said and I opened the door. The floor was wood and it was...empty. Well, sort of. There was a couch that sat in front of a fireplace and a dusty rug in between them. I looked at the opposite side and saw an empty bookshelf with a chair sitting diagonal from it.

I looked out the window to see that it started raining. Light shut the door. The rain started to pour.

"Guess we're stuck here," I pointed out.

"Yeah," Light agreed. I groaned and leaned against the wall.

"Something wrong?" Light asked.

"No," I answered. Ugh, I wanted so bad for Light to kiss me again. Oh well.

"Judging by the look you have, I'm guessing you desire something," Light said.

"What? No," I lied and he stepped closer.

"You can't lie to me," he smirked and I blushed.

"Why would I lie? There's nothing to lie about," I lied again. He stepped even closer to me to where our bodies were an inch apart. My face remained hot.

"You're blushing," he pointed out and I gave a nervous laugh.

"S-So? I-It's kinda h-hot," I stuttered. He leaned in, still keeping that smirk glued to his face.

"Why don't you be honest?" He asked and leaned in closer to where I could feel his breath on my lips.

"All you had to do was ask," he smirked and with that he placed his lips on mine. I instantly melted into the kiss. I wrapped my arms around his neck and he pinned me against the wall. He trailed kisses down to my neck and on the first guess he bit down on the "spot" and I let a moan escape my lips. He placed his lips on mine and ran his tongue against my bottom lip, asking for entrance. I granted his wish.

"Light," I breathed through the kiss. He pulled away and I heard a crack of thunder which made me jump. He chuckled and we walked over to the couch and sat. I curled up into a ball next to him and his warmth lulled me to sleep.

Light's POV

I looked down to see (Y/N) sleeping.

"Do you plan on telling her about the Death Note?" Ryuk asked.

"Yes, but not anytime soon," I replied.

"What will you do after you tell her?" He asked.

"If all goes well, I hope to talk her into taking my side. She's different though, so if she doesn't join me then it's fine. I'm not going to use her," I stated. Ryuk chuckled.

"Humans are quite entertaining," He smiled. I gave (Y/N) a soft kiss on the lips. I hope she stays by my side, even after finding out about the truth. After some time though, there's a likely chance she will.

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