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I got up early and got ready. I headed to the kitchen and looked up a recipe for chocolate cupcakes. Luckily I had everything for the recipe so I made the batter. After that I put it in the cupcake pan and placed them in the oven. After a while I checked on them and they seemed ready. Without thinking I grabbed the pan and felt the burning spread through my fingers. I snapped my hand back and mumbled a few colorful words. I got an oven mitt and put in on the counter and waited for it to cool. Way to go (Y/N)...My hand was red where it got burned so I ran it under some water hoping to ease the sting. 

After the cupcakes were cool I put them in a container and headed off. I hope its enough...I made a dozen. I went to where Light and L were. Misa was there..."Hey (Y/N)! What's that?" she asked pointing at the container I was holding. 

"I made cupcakes for everyone," I smiled and removed the lid and let everyone get one. "Please be honest about how they taste..." I said fearing the truth. 

"They are really good!" Matsuda complimented. 

"They are" Misa agreed. I gave some to Light and L. 

"They are good," Light complimented.

 "Yes, I agree," L said and I blushed a little. I set the container down and took one. I bit into it. Everyone was right. It is good. After everyone ate one it was back to work. I sat next to L. "Hey, give one to Watari. It's my treat." I smiled. He smiled back. 

"Okay," he said.

 "Hey, do you think you could stay a little late today? It's only an hour," he stated. 

"Sure," I smiled. Watari came in with a plate of cake and set it next to L.

 "Here," L offered him a cupcake. "(Y/N), made it," he pointed out and Watari smiled.

 "Thank you," he waved and walked off. I looked over to see Light glaring at L, but his expression soon softened as he looked at me. I gave a smile and he returned it. 

"Well, I have to go," Misa said and I could have swore I heard a little bit of annoyance in her voice. She skipped over and gave Light a hug. I felt a little jealous. I quickly looked back to what kind of paper work L had.

 "L? You don't need any help?" I asked. 

"No, I'm good," he responded. I guess Misa was gone, because it was pretty silent. Pretty soon everyone else left and the room was empty. 

"(Y/N), I wanted to talk to you about something," L said. 

"Yea?" I asked. 

"Do you think Light is Kira? I know the answer to this, but I want to hear it from you," he answered. 

"I...don't know. I guess it sounds possible, but...I honestly don't know," I admitted. L was quiet for a minute or two as if to process my answer.

"That's all. I was just curious," he said. I got up and yawned. I should get going before I fall asleep at work again.

 "Night, L," I smiled. 

"Goodnight, (Y/N)," he said and I left. I recalled the moment Misa had given Light a hug. I was jealous of Misa? Am I also falling for L, too?

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