Chapter 40: She's back

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Seoul woke up from her nap and saw Berlin sleeping. She smiled and took a pillow and put it on the couch. She carefully moved him, so he would be more comfortable. He was dead asleep.

She walked downstairs to the other's. "How are they doing?" She asked Helsinki.

"They're fine."

Arturo was sitting on a chair sweating as the explosives was still strapped to his body.

"Hello, little Arturito." She waved to him.

Arturo just rolled his eyes at her.

Seoul and Helsinki continued to chitchat until Rio came downstairs shouting. "Tokyo is back!"

He ran to Denver. "We have to open the door!"

Moscow came running.

Seoul looked over at Helsinki and Denver. "Tokyo's back!!" She got excited to see her friend again, but she still hated her for insulting her.

"Let's go!" Moscow said.

"Come on!" Seoul started sprinting.

"Seoul! Stop sprinting!" Helsinki said. "Everyone DOWN!" He ordered the hostages.

Rio pressed on the button to open the door. Tokyo was in a police outfit driving with a motorcycle.

The door slowly opened. "No! We have to cover her, right now!" Rio puts his mask on.

Moscow ran outside with Rio and started firing. "Papa, look out!" Denver said.

Seoul puts her mask on and also went outside and started firing. "Keep shooting!"

Tokyo entered the Royal Mint again, while driving in a motorcycle.

Rio got back inside as Tokyo entered.

"God damn it! Can't you wait, Rio?!" Seoul hissed.

Denver ran to the button again to close the door. "Fuck!"

Nairobi and Berlin came running.

"Where's Seoul?" Berlin asked worriedly.

"She's outside firing at the police!" Denver looked stressed out.

"Moscow get back inside now!" Seoul yelled and kept shooting.

Moscow and Seoul walked inside still shooting at them. Moscow put his hand on her stomach, protecting the little one and herself, while shooting.

The door closed and Seoul took her mask off. "We did it! High five Mosco-"

Seoul heard Moscow breathing heavily. Then she turned to him holding his stomach with blood. He slowly falls down to the ground.

Seoul ran to him, kneeled down and held him. "No, no, this can't be happening."

Denver came running. "Help! Please!!!"

"Someone get the first aid kit!" Seoul started panicking.

"Get the fucking first aid kit!"

"I'll get it hold on." Nairobi ran. "Put pressure on the wound!"

Everyone got down around Moscow.

"Everything is going to fine. Easy look at me papa." Denver looked at him.

"It's a scratch on the side, that's all." Moscow said in pain.

"On his side." Tokyo looked at Denver.

"Denver, Tokyo, Helsinki and Seoul turns Moscow on the side. "It's okay Moscow." Seoul tried calming down.

He was screaming in pain.

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