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Ivana was in Puerto Princesa in Palawan, it was the same place where, she was born. She was close to her brother-in-law who was also somewhere in Palawan.

It was a very sunny day. Ivana sat on a chair relaxing and drew in her sketchbook. The same sketchbook that she had back then.

The garden was filled with laughter and two twins running around playing together.

They had twins.

"Mama, Vilnius shot me in the arm!" Vienna ran to Ivana.

She stopped drawing her two sweet munchkins running around in the garden. She remembered about the conversation that her and Andrés had, back in the mint.

"I-I didn't mean too! But you started it!" Vilnius held his toy gun.

"What did I tell you about shooting at your sister? Now apologise to each other."

"I'm sorry, Vienna... can you please, forgive me?"

"Yeah, I forgive you. I'm sorry, Vilnius..." Vienna said.

"It's okay. Mama can we go play again?"

"Yes, you can but don't start fighting again, okay? Or else I'll tickle you two." Ivana wrapped her arms around her two little munchkins and started tickling them.

"Mama, stop!!" The twins started laughing and giggling.

Aarón and Ivette Fonollosa was her sweet, adorable angles.

Ivana knew that Andrés would be so happy to know that, they had gotten twins.

She nicknamed them by city names, Vilnius and Vienna. In the honour of the gang.

She would miss him everyday and night. She loved looking at her children's eyes because they had his eyes.

She still kept the engagement ring on and the pearl necklace, that he had given her back in Toledo. She would wear it everywhere no matter what.

"Mama, stop! I feel like I have to pee!!" Vilnius laughed.

"Hahaha! Wait... I think I have to go pee too..." Vienna started giggling.

"Well, that's not good. Let's go to the potty room."

After Ivana was finished changing their diapers, someone knocked on the door.

"Guys, go to the play room and play."

The twins nodded at the same time, and went to go play.

Ivana opened the door slowly and looked left and right, but there was nobody there.

She looked down and saw a letter lying down on the ground. She slowly picked it up and closed the door.

It reminded her, how Andrés had asked her out for their first date.

She opened the letter it said:

Dear Ivana Irene Santos

Come to the nearest beach today. We need to talk about something really important... and don't forget to bring your children with you.


"Mama, what are you doing?" Vienna walked closer to Ivana.

"We're going to the beach with your tio Sergio! Isn't that exciting?" Ivana said still wondering what Sergio wanted to talk about.

"To the beach?! I'll go get ready." Vilnius ran to his room and changed.

"Oh, can I wear my new red summer dress?" Vienna sounded excited to see her uncle Sergio.

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