Chapter 21: Announcement

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Tokyo just looked at them and smiled.

"What a surprise." Berlin looked at Tokyo.

"I think, I should probably go..." Seoul got off of him.

"No please, cariño." He held her hand and with his other hand he was putting it on his lap telling her to sit on there again. Tokyo sat at the other side of the table.

"Well, I see you have a cute office, don't you have two now?" Tokyo asked.

"Yes, I like offices I've always...wanted to have one with a mahogany desk. Berlin looked up seeing Tokyo putting her gun on the table.

"But crime and offices don't go together." As he took his gun and put it to the table.

"It's hot isn't it?" Tokyo asked and unzipped her jumpsuit she had a bulletproof vest on underneath.

"I can see that you have put on a bulletproof vest to come visit me." The two laughed awkwardly, while Seoul was just sitting on Berlin's lap.

"I'd have preferred a corset, a Venetian one but don't you think it would look perfect on Seoul?" Berlin held Seoul's chin up.

"Yes, such a beautiful, pretty, perfect face she has." Tokyo smiled. "Well, you see I don't quite get you." She leaned back to her chair.

"What do you want?" He asked.

"I've come here, for a favour call the Professor and tell him that you have killed a hostage. Naughty boy. Do you know why it matters hm? The Professor is my guardian angel. And you don't tell him then I will have to tell him." She said

"You? Then you will be traitor. A little snitch, a disgusting rat. I'm a gentleman. I wouldn't allow that to happen."

Tokyo stood up and took her gun from the table and walked to the other side of the table. And handed him the phone, while pointing the gun at him.

Seoul took her gun at Tokyo but Berlin told her to put the gun down. He took the phone and called the Professor.


"I've broken the first rule... I killed a hostage, well it was Denver but it was my orders. And I have chosen to tell you myself."

Tokyo left the room.

"It was the only line not to be crossed! You have ruined everything."

"The woman had a phone between her legs. Maybe she wanted to use it to call her cousin...and tell her she was fucking the CEO."

"Who was she?"

"Monica Gaztambide..."

Berlin could hear him hitting the table with the phone.

"Are you going to punish me? I think you should. If you don't punish me this won't end well. It's not me that has a problem it's you. You have, to show who the true leader is, at the helm with no doubt."

"They are going to ask for proof of life in less then 48 hours." The Professor hung up the phone.

Seoul was just speechless, just what she just have heard. "Should we go? To the hostages?-" Seoul asked. And stood up.

"Yes, we have to announce about the situation... but since we got interrupted so you know what I'm thinking?" He smirked.

"Oooh, your still thinking about it." She walked closer to him. They started kissing each other roughly, Seoul unzipped his jumpsuit but before they could start, someone opened the door it was Nairobi.

"Seriously? Come on guys we have to work we don't have time for that, come on put your clothes on. Berlin let's go announce how many cash we have printed!"

Nairobi closed the door. "Well, I guess we have to wait, you were looking forward for it didn't you?" Seoul chuckled.

Seoul zips his jumpsuit for him.

"Yes, I did." He gave her a kiss before they went to the hostages.


Nairobi, Tokyo and Seoul was waiting for Berlin downstairs to tell the hostages about the situation.

As Berlin walked slowly downstairs he said."I've asked you here to tell you how things are going lately... and to end the rumours. There's a rumour had it that Miss Monica Gaztambide... has passed away, and that's not good at all. Rumours create... uncertainty, anxiety. And that's why I'd like to end it. It is true that your colleague Ms. Monica has been executed."

As soon the hostages heard the bad news, they started crying and trying to comfort each other.

"But I also want to share some other news with you guys. Good news... because the truth is that the heist is going very smoothly, on the fast track. Therefore, I want to thank all of you, I must thank all of you who are doing your best. Especially, one person...Mr. Torres." Berlin smiled.

Mr. Torres felt uncomfortable so he just walked slowly behind another hostage.

"Mr. Torres..." Berlin gave the hostage a sign to move, that was in front of Mr. Torres.

"Paco. Paquito." Berlin whispered. Mr. Torres slowly walked forward while looking down.

"Mr. Francisco Torres." Nairobi said softly. "This gentleman has been printing banknotes for 27 years! And today, he's beaten his own record, because after 40 hours, he's printed, tell us how much." Nairobi stood next to him.

"Three hundred eleven million euros..." He was still looking down.

"Please, say it louder so all of us can hear." She held him.

"Three hundred eleven million" He said once again.

Tokyo and Seoul looked at each other surprised.

"Three hundred eleven million cash!! Bim-bam-bim-bam, by himself!!"

"Well, with my colleagues' help, of course..."

"He's a humble man. Thank you so much, Mr. Torres! And thank you all too. Mr. Torres do you know what you are? You are the hostage of the month!"

"That's right, let's give him all of the love he deserves! To Mr. Torres!!"

Everyone started clapping.

When Berlin saw Arturo and Helsinki, walking he told everyone to stop clapping.

"And I have more good news. I would like you to welcome... Everyone applause for our friend Mr. Arturo!! The general manger who's finally out of danger." Everyone started clapping again.

Berlin saw a hostage raising her hand up. He told everyone to stay silent. He slowly walked over to her.

"May I speak to you privately?" The hostage asked.

He looked over to Seoul and smirked. "Sure, follow me."

Seoul walked slowly walked over to them but Nairobi held her back.

"Girl, calm down, she isn't going to do anything to him." She said.

"Yeah, yeah whatever." She rolled her eyes.

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