Chapter 38: Tick Tock

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Rio, Berlin, Nairobi and Seoul walked downstairs. But Rio walked in front of them. "It was me. Who blocked the door."

"Don't move!" Arturo pointed his gun at them.

"Arturo, drop the gun." Nairobi said.

"Arturito, I know you love movies, but this is getting out of hand." Berlin walked closer.

"Take another step, and I'll shoot him, and the next bullet is for your slutty whore!"

Berlin didn't like what he heard from Arturo's big mouth. So he took his gun out and aimed it at Arturo.

"Andrés, calm down." Seoul held him on the shoulder. He slowly puts his gun away.

Helsinki and Moscow came running.

"Open the door!" Arturo yelled.

Moscow dropped his gun quickly and put his hands up. "Okay, okay, take it easy. Let's talk like civilised people. Let him go. If you want to get out, I'll help you."

"I said open the fucking door!"

"Yes, just give us Denver back and we'll open the door, what does that sound?" Seoul tried staying calm.

"You shut the fuck up, you slutty whore! You keep bossing us around like a talking bird. When you're daddy dies, you will be nothing. I guess you didn't hear me say it. Nothing, N-O-T-H-I-N-G!"

Berlin and Seoul looked at each other, at the same time and thought about the same thing. That they shouldn't be the people to mess with.

They pointed their gun at Arturo, at the same time.

"No one's opening any doors here. And no one gets to insult my fiancé!" Berlin looked angrily at him.

Everyone just looked at each other for two seconds and looked at Seoul's finger, seeing the big, shiny, diamond ring.

Nairobi thought to herself. "How did I notice this first now?"

"Is that so? I'll count to five, and I'll shoot him. And the next bullet is going to be for you Seoul. I have nothing to lose, and I don't give a fuck, alright?"

"So it's up to you!" Arturo started counting down. "Five, four, three, two, one!"

But before he could shoot Denver. Monica took a hard metal and hit Arturo at the back of his head hard.

After Monica did that, Berlin and Seoul just looked at each other, smiling.

Denver took his real gun at pointed it at Arturo.


The hostages was on their knees and blindfolded. Helsinki went downstairs and took Arturo.

As soon they were at the basement Helsinki pushed him. "Come on!"

"Take your clothes off." Helsinki said.

Arturo took his jumpsuit off.

"The t-shirt too."

"I got a wound on my shoulder..."

"Take it off!"

Arturo lifted up his shirt and they saw the money that he has stolen.

"And on top of that, you try to steal from us. Shit." Rio was standing next to Helsinki.

"It's what we get for not killing when we had to."

"What are you going to do?"

"If I shoot you, you just die. You don't suffer. Now you'll wear two kilos of explosives strapped to you're body. I'll set it off, but you don't know when." Helsinki walked back and grabbed tape.

"That's a shitload of explosives, Helsinki. Careful, it could make a real mess." Rio walked over to him.

"This one has been a bigger pain in the ass then the police." He walked closer.

Arturo handed him some money, but Helsinki just threw it away on the floor and started taping him.

"With this...we end out troubles. Right, Arturito? Because of you Oslo died, because of you Denver almost died, and because of you we almost lost Seoul.


As the hostages was still on their knees and blindfolded. Nairobi started to cry, Seoul was furious and upset she tried not to cry in front of the hostages, she just sucked it in.

Everyone was tired, stressed out and didn't get enough sleep.

Nairobi pointed her gun at the ceiling, about to shoot, but she decided not to she was wiping her tears away and went down on her knees.

"I have tried being nice, so did Seoul." She stood up and took the blindfolds off the hostages, half of them.

"I tried to give you what you were promised. To free you from Berlin. To have this make sense! After losing what I have lost, to give this some meaning. I'm nice and I've been kind. And the world spots in my face. And I tried to give you guys you're space, but you screwed me over."

"You don't get it, you don't get it." Seoul shot three times at the ceiling. "What do Nairobi and I have to do to get some respect?" Seoul walked around.

Nairobi walked over to Alison and pointed her gun at her neck. "What do I have to do? Do I have to cut off one of your ears and send it to your father?"

Seoul butted in. "Or maybe just shoot her in the leg so she can't dance ever again." And walked behind Alison.

"What a great idea, Girls!" Berlin walked over to Seoul. "It's okay, cariño." He hugged her, kissed her on the forehead and wiped her little tears away with his thumb.

"It is time to be pragmatic. The utopia of collaboration has failed. Nairobi, I appreciate you allowing me to take some time off from my duties, but... we're all ready for me to be back in charge." He said.

Nairobi nodded. "All yours." And walked away, Seoul gave Nairobi a quick hug before she left.

"This is a wonderful moment." He removed the bandage that was around his head, and fixed his hair.

"Stand up!"

Berlin walked and took the other half of hostages blindfolds off. "I told you, that I was going to protect you, didn't I? But I've changed my mind."

He walked back to Seoul. "It's a lot more practical... to torture you. In concentration camps, respect is a given. Well, here it's going to be the same. You're going to dig the tunnel... until your hands are bleeding. At night, you may cry in pain. In your cot, but the next day you will keep digging!"

He turned to Seoul. "What do you think? Should they keep digging until they're hands bleed, cariño?"

"Yes, that's a great idea." Seoul crossed her arms.

"You heard her. You'll be on shifts without any rest. Otherwise, an epic punishment awaits you." He chuckled.

"Just like your leader." He pointed at Arturo. "A man who will kill if he betrays us again."

Berlin held Seouls hand and walked towards Arturo. "Who will kill if he ever yearns for freedom again. Whose sweat...dead. A man who considers explosive. Now they're going to be scared of you, Arturo. Although we've always known you're "the bomb."

"Since you're an outcast, you'll stay here, secluded. Helsinki and everyone else, to the tunnel!"

"Come on, let's go!" Helsinki ordered the hostages.

Berlin and Seoul starting saying tick-tock to little Arturito. The two starting circling him, while saying tick-tock.

And when they faced to face to Arturo they said. "Boom!" At the same time.

"You guys are literal psychopaths!" Arturo said.

"Oh, don't worry we know." Berlin said.

"Hey, Arturito. Be careful you don't want to explode, do you?" Seoul smiled.

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