The conjuring: the big move in

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"Coming through!" Shark says as he helps wolf with the coach.

Snake slithers underneath them as he was carrying princess's box.

"Woah, watch out, snake" wolf says.

"Oops my bad" then when he gets inside, he passes by piranha who was dragging web's duffel bag of her things and he was also carrying snake's bag.

"Where do you want it?" Piranha asked.

"Ah...just put it in the living room"

"Hey snake! Have you seen my bag?" Webs asked as she looks around, crawling on the wall.

"Uh, I think I saw piranha with it, he's got it in the other room" he points out.

"Thank you. Piranha, have you-hey!"

He sees her opening her bag and going through her things, he grabs her laptop.

"Looking for This?"

"Yes. Give it back to me!"

Then they ran around the house, webs chasing him.

"You're so mean!"

Then in the kitchen snake looks around for princess.

"Hey, have you seen princess?" He asked wolf who was helping shark in the kitchen.

"Yeah I think she went outside" wolf says.

"Well get her inside, I want to know where her room is so I can get to unpacking"

"Of course! Shark go get her"

"Ok" shark runs outside.

The backyard was very huge, with a river and a big tree.

"Honey" shark called out for her come in, okay?

"Honey" shark called out for her come in, okay?

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"Snake wants you inside now...come on, It's gonna be dark soon. Come on, princess"

But princess something very....unusual and unnatural.

She was wandering around when she finds something stuck in the tree.

She pulls it out and sees it was a music box.

She opens it and as the music plays, it made her smile.

"Shark....Look what I found"

Shark walks over to her, bends down and see the music box too.

"Oh my, that is lovey....come on why don't we go inside and play hide and seek"

"Ok" they both ran inside the house but when princess turns the music box back on again, she looks confused, she turns around like she thought she saw someone behind her, then back at the music box again.

Then when she gets inside, she rubs into wolf.

"Wolf? Look what I found" she shows him the music box.

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