The conjuring: seeking help

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"Fear is defined as a feeling of agitation and anxiety... caused by the presence or eminence of danger"

Ed and Lorraine were teaching a classroom as they played a film.

"Whether it's ghost, spirit or an entity, they all feed on it.

"Take Maurice here. He's a French-Canadian farmer, had nothing more than third-grade education. Yet after he was possessed, spoke some of the best Latin I've ever heard. Sometime backwards. He's been molested by his father, who also tortured him repeatedly.
A dark spirit made its home in this man"

"Now, If you look into his eyes, you can see him tearing blood. And, like that, an upside down cross started to appear from within his body"

"Alright Drew, can you hit the lights?"

"Do you personally perform the exorcism?"

"No, I'm not authorized. But I've assisted on many, see an exorcism can be very dangerous,
not only for the victim, but for anyone in the room"

"So, what happened to Maurice?"

"Well, he tried to kill his wife. But instead he shot her in the arm and he turned the gun onto himself. Maurice had a very troubled life..With little to live for. It not even an exorcist could bring him back. Which brings us to the three
stages of demonic activity: Infestation, oppression, and possession. The infestation that's... that's the whisperings, the footsteps, the feeling of another presence. Which ultimately grows into oppression, the second stage. And this is where the victim, and it's usually the one who's the most psychologically vulnerable. It's targeted specifically by an external force. Breaks the victims down, crushes their wills. And once in a weaken state... leads into the third and final stage, possession" but in their classroom, Diane was there.

"Hey Ed! Lorraine!"


"There's someone here that would like to talk to you"

"Oh, hi?"

"Thank you"

"Sure, I'll see you later"

"Governor, How can we help you?"

"There is something horrible happening in this house. Could you come take a look?"

"You know, uh... It's getting kind of late, we really need to be heading home"

"No, you don't understand"

"Owh but we do. As usual, some sort of rational"

"It's not my house, it's a house for a friend and they have a daughter who's scared to death"

Then wolf came in, "I'm so afraid this
thing wants to hurt us" wolf says.

"You have a daughter, won't you do anything
you could to protect her?" Diane says.

"Please! Please can you come and take a look?"
Wolf begged.

"Of course we will. Of course we will"

In the living room, webs was asleep on the couch and princess was in a cave made out of stuffed animals.

They were watching tv hoping it calm her nerves, when Ed and Lorraine arrived.

"Hey, would you guys turn it off? Our help has arrived.

"Hello!" Wolf and Ed shake hands.


"Thanks for coming" wolf says then the other's gathered around except webs she was still sleeping.

" this is snake, that's shark, this is piranha and over there is webs"

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