The conjuring: terror strikes the hearts

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Inside the house, webs was asleep in piranha's room, she was sleeping on his bed next to him.

When she felt something grabbing her, Not funny, piranha!"


"Stop grabbing my butt!""

"That's not me, I didn't do anything!"

"Yeah right! And Stop farting! It really stinks!

"Don't blame that on me, i only do that when I'm nervous about lying remember"

Wolf arrived home when he hears banging noises then shark came downstairs.

"Hey wolf!"

"shark, what are you doing out of bed? And What's that sound?"

It's princess. She's in my room. She sleepwalking"


He goes upstairs to see princess hitting her against the dresser.

"I've never seen her do this before" shark says.

"Well this is a first, but I'm sure it's just a Phase or something"

They both watch her still hitting her head against the closet, unaware of what to do.

"So do we wake her or..." shark was about to wake up princess when wolf grabbed his hand.

"No, you know it's dangerous to wake up a sleepwalker...we'll just put her back to bed"

Wolf carefully approached her then he slide his hand over her forehead to prevent her from hitting again.

"Hey, hey, sweetie!" He whispered, "Let's go back to bed...I'm gonna take her to my bed, Good night shark"

"Night wolf"

The next morning, snake was getting out of the shower when wolf told him about last night.

"sleepwalking? Well that's new" snake says.

"That's what i says, anyway She ended up in shark's room, he was very concerned about it"

"Well I'm sure it's nothing, why don't you leave her here with me" but then wolf noticed on snake's back he had more bruises, one bigger then the last.

"Oh, my, snake. You got another bruise here"

"Huh?" He goes to a mirror and was shocked by it.

"Does that hurt?"

"No...It's weird!

"Yeah, do me a favor, and go see a doctor for that? We don't want princess worrying now"

"Yeah" he tríes to cover up the bruises with makeup foundation.

"Yeah, I will. Drive safe. And good luck on your date"

"It's not a date, just a lunch meeting with the governor"

"Uh huh, well where in's called a date"


Wolf heads outside when he sees princess sitting on a checkered picnic blanket playing pretend picnic.

Wolf heads outside when he sees princess sitting on a checkered picnic blanket playing pretend picnic

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