Poltergeist: its not over yet

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"The guy's here" webs called out and as they headed outside, snake saw how tried wolf was, when he was rubbing his eyes.

"Hey Buddy, you okay?"

"Huh, oh Yeah. I'm just very tired"

"Well Guy's here. Are you sure you don't want to get some sleep first" snake asked when wolf gets up.

"I'm fine snake"

"You must be the bad guys" Burke asked.

"And you must be the cavalry" wolf asked.

And when dr. Powell walked outside, she comes her hair back.

"Dr. Powell"

"We're all set up if you wanna get started"

Then when he goes inside, professor marmalade faces dr. Powell.

"Why did you invite him here" dr. Powell asked.

"Because we could use his help...look I know it's been awhile but could you two please set aside your differences till after this is over"

"Alright fine, but i am not doing this for you, I'm don for this for a family that needs help"

"Hey.Big fan. My name's Boyd. Nice to meet you"

Here" he hands him his bag.

"He knows this can't be on TV, right?" Dr. Powell asked.

"No, but don't worry I told him that" professor marmalade says.

"So why is he doing it?" Dr. Powell asked.

"This was the area of bilocation?"

"A table fell out of there. I was almost crushed"

Then he felt a pain in his chest and he started coughing.

"Is everything all right?" Wolf asked as everyone was concerned.

"If it was, I wouldn't be here"

He moves downstairs to the basement and the floor is still oozing, then moving up the closet was getting stronger.

"All right, first things first. I want you to tell me
a little bit about princess.Did you ever feel that
she was a little bit off?"

"Off?" Wolf asked then he started to do some thinking when he goes back and remember when princess seemed upset about something.


"What do you mean?" Webs asked as everyone else was confused but wolf.

"How do you mean, "Off"?" Snake asked.

"Did you ever hear her talking to things that weren't there?"

"Ugh, I'm such an idiot" wolf gets up, he was frustrated with himself, "I should've seen the signs"

"Wolf don't blame yourself for this" Diane grabs his shoulders trying to calm him down.

"Why, I should have just...it's my fault that princess is gone"

"Mr. Wolf calm down, I think what he's trying to say is that princess might have been born with a gift"

"Yeah we know...how did you know about her cutism" wolf asked.

"Cutism, That's not the word I'd use, but all right. And I was talking about...something more special"

"What do you mean" wolf asked.

"You mean she can talk to ghosts?" Webs says.

Everyone was shocked as they look at each other in a panicked.

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