The conjuring: its not over yet

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Lorraine was packing everything when She heard a familiar tone coming from the woods.

"Mommy?" It sounded just like Judy.

"Got everything?"

While Ed was distracted, she sneak off into the woods and near the lake that's where she heard the sound coming from.

"Mommy?" She heard Judy's voice but didn't see her anywhere.

Then when she walks up to the boardwalk, she sees Judy floating in the lake, staring at her.

"Judy? Oh, God! Judy?" She was breathing very heavily.

She immediately ran back inside the house to use the phone.

"Lorraine, wait!" Ed noticed "Lorraine?"

"Mom, it's me. Is Judy okay?"

"What?" Ed was feeling about worried and concerned.

"Can you go check, please? Mom, just check, please!"

"Can you tell me what's going on?" Ed asked.

"It's, it's Judy"

"What? What do you mean? What? What?"

"Oh! Thank God" her face tears up as she was in relief.

"Mom, I'm sorry. I did not mean to scare you.
I'll explain later, okay?"

"What the hell happened?"

"I saw a vision of Judy in the water, I know it was some kind of warning. I know it!"

Ed pulls her in a hug as She cried on his shoulders.

"Ok, Let's get out of here!" He walks out of the house.

The bad guys arrived at the hotel and they get out to grab their stuff, all except for Diane, who is acting very off.

Princess was still asleep so wolf carefully carried princess out of the car while webs woke up, she stretched but she saw Diane was acting strange.

Meanwhile Ed was at a church, showing the footage to a Samoyed priest.

"So? Yeah, well, you weren't kidding?"


"Look ed, it's... this is complicated because the kids aren't baptized"

"I understand..."

"And the family, they're not members of the Church. And they are retired criminals"

"Oh, come on!"

"And, the approval has to come directly from the Vatican"

"Father, we've never seen nothing like this"

"Yeah, well, neither do I"

"Father, they don't have a lot of time"

"All right- I push it through myself"

"Thank you" they both said.

"We'll wait for your call"


Then it was raining outside their house, and inside Judy was sleeping till her locket started moving, the other locket was controlling it, left at the house.

Then something grabbed her, waking Judy up.

"Mommy? Daddy? She gets out of bed and turns the lights on in the downstairs basement.

Frightened the child looks for her parents.

"Mommy? Daddy?"

The thunderstorm grows louder and she checks the one room she is not allowed to enter in.

THE BAD GUYS in: horror movie double feature Where stories live. Discover now