Chapter 1: Finding Our Waterboy

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Dream POV

"DREAM!" Sapnap shouted while he had George pinned to the ground.

"What? Also get off my boyfriend!" I exclaimed.

George and I have been dating for nearly a year now and everyone in the school knew. The good about Fearless High School was that almost everybody was supportive or respectful about LGBTQ+ relationships. But the reason the whole school knew was because I was one of the best players on our Football team, not to mention EVERYONE knew who my family was. George had no problem when we got together. He made new friends and became well known a few weeks later.

"George should be our WaterBoy this year! Right?!" George, who was still pinned to the ground, rolled his eyes and groaned.

"I don't what to be a stupid WaterBoy!"

"But don't you what you support your dear boyfriend?" I teased him as his faced turned cherry red.

"NO! It's so fucking stupid! I already have to stay after school, but now I have to be outside in the field and watch you all practice! Not to mention I have to come to EVERY DAMN GAME!" He continued to complain.

"Please George! What if we buy you something you want?" Sapnap begged George, a bit more and he'll be on his knees.

"Ummmmm... Give me Dream's Football jacket and buy me food for lunch! The school's lunches suck ass" George was trying to make a deal with us. Of course we say yes because we want George to be our WaterBoy.

"YAY! I'm gonna tell the others!" After what feels like a decade Sapnap finally got off of George and got his phone out.

I was excited for this year's Football, we won a lot of games last year and I was training all summer. Sophomore year was gonna be so much better! And so will the next. But what made this year even better was that George was going to be our WaterBoy this year! And of course, as the good boyfriend I am I'm definitely going to try my hardest just to see him every time.

"So what? I just sit there and hand you guys water?" George said sounding miserable.

"Yeah pretty much. And you be to come to practice." Sapnap replied while still on his phone.

"I've already have all of last year, well I stayed inside the school. But technically I have since Dream drives me home after practice, I'll just be handing out water now that's the only difference" George continued to talk.

"The cheerleaders also have practice after school right? I think it was in the field close to you guys." George's face was so cute when he was confused and now even cuter with his face covered in dirt.

"Yeah, why? I thought you didn't know anyone from the cheer team." I replied trying to find the redness from seeing all his cuteness.

"First of all, I know them I just don't talk to them. Second of all, I will talk to them this year but mainly Drista." He answered looking annoyed.

"Drista? She's joining the team?" I look at Sapnap then George very confused on what's going on.

"You didn't know? Damn. Pretty much the whole team knows!" Sapnap was laughing his ass off.

Drista didn't tell me? But I'm her brother! How the hell did the whole team know but me? I don't have time for this. I have to get ready for tomorrow. I got up and took my car keys, George also got up and started following me Sapnap also followed. I unlocked the car and that was when the fight started between George and Sapnap.

"I'm sitting in the front! I'm his boyfriend after all!" I could George scream loud and clear even though I'm in the car.

"Stop being a bitch! It's my turn!" The other unbearable voice shouted.

I opened the window to their side of the car. They're being idiots! God they can be so annoying. It's 7:30 pm. I don't have time to deal with their bullshit.
"I'm not dealing with you two being babies! Both of you go sit in the back! If you keep on whining I'll leave you here!" I shouted and both of them immediately stopped and went to the back.

"Why can't you two stop fighting for once? George you should better! You're literally a year older than us!" George just rolls his and looks out the window.

The ride was quiet, all you could hear were the water droplets on the window. None of us talked to each other or even look...

Did I really fuck up that bad? They all look so mad... just on their phones. I have to apologize for being harsh.

"Hey guys, I'm sorry for being a bit harsh I didn't mean to be so mad." I apologize as we reached a stop light. There was a moment of silence for about 10 seconds and then, shouting???


"UGH! FINE! Here." Sapnap gave George 20 dollars.

"What the hell is going on?!" I yelled still with my eyes glued on the road.

"George and I made a bet. He said you would apologize on the way home. I said you would apologize tomorrow at school"

We all start to talk again, nothing special though. After about 15 minutes of talking we drop off Sapnap, another 10 minutes pass by and I drop off George. I open the car door for him and grab his waist going in for a kiss. His lips are so soft and warm, as we continue his hands are on my neck pulling me closer towards him. After what seems to have been a year we let go. I give him a kiss on his forehead, which isn't difficult because he's only half a head shorter than me, and a hug to go along with it.

After I get home I see Drista watching T.V. In the living room.

"Why didn't you tell me that you were joining the cheer team?" I ask startling her.

"I didn't think you would care." She turns around pausing what she was watching.

"Of course I care! You're gonna be part of the team! And cheer for us!"

"Yeah, well I want to high school doing something. It's my first year after all." She replied turning back around to continue watching her show.

I take off my shoes and go upstairs towards my bedroom and practically drop dead in my bed. I got George to be our water boy and my sister is going to be on the cheer team! Today was a long day. I can't wait to see the whole team again tomorrow...

This is my first time writing a story that isn't for school! I'm so excited to continue it!!!
Thank you for reading! Have a great rest of your day :)

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