Chapter 2: First day

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George POV

"BEEEEEEEEEEEEP BEEEEEEEEEP!!!" I heard. That was when I realized that it was the first day of school.

"Ughhhhhh..." I wasn't excited to go to school, especially the first day that was when people started to judge you. I got up from my bed and started to walk towards my closet. I don't what came over me but I decided to wear something nice for the day. I grabbed a black shirt, pants and shoes. I got ready and headed down stairs. I take a look at the time and realized it was late.

Shit. It's late. I grabbed a banana and granola bar and quickly headed back upstairs to grab my bag and my jacket that said "the north place". I ran back down and said goodbye to my parents as I closed the door. I saw Dream and went to the passenger seat he gave me a quick kiss on my forehead and started driving.

"Hey George!" I heard my name from the back seat.

I turned around and say a girl with dirty blonde hair and her backpack on her lap. "Hey Drista! Excited for your first day of high school?"

"I guess? How was your first day of high school?"

"It was... Interesting you could say."

"What happened?"

"There was a food fight the very first day, the girls who started it had some drama before the food fight then it ended but the girls were now actually fighting, I got pranked by accident because it was meant for the teacher, and detention for zoning out too much and nearly sleeping in the middle of class. That teacher hated me so damn much! But he got fired towards the end of the year so that was nice. The good part was I never got bullied, just pranked by accident from time to time as well as some other students."

"What about you bro?" She asked Dream.

"Well... I got bullied for like the first 2 months by seniors and some freshmen. When George and Sapnap found out they were furious, George knew the seniors because he would do their homework for money. And he also knew a lot of what they did since they pretty much trusted him, so he threatened to tell everyone in the school what they did. Sapnap however, he beat the shit out of the freshmen and some of the seniors...
Never bothered me again, and then I joined the football team along with Sapnap, Karl, Quackity, Callahan, Punz, and Foolish."

"Funny to think that all my friends are mainly a year younger than me. I have like only... Hold up. I DON'T HAVE ANY FRIENDS OTHER THAN PEOPLE YOUNGER THAN ME!" I shouted realizing I have no friends in none of my classes.

"Will maybe this is your lucky year. Come on, we're here." I could hear Dream giggle as he parked the car. Drista got out and waited for us. I got my things ready to go out, as I was about to open the door I feel a hand grabbing my wrist.

"Dream? What are you doing"

"I want my good luck kiss!" He pouted. I love Dream, I really do. But sometimes he acts too much like a 5 year old throwing a tantrum.

"Okay fine." I give him a quick peck on his lips and he just looks at me with puppy dog eyes. I roll my eyes and lean towards him giving him another kiss but this was longer, more passionate. I gently touch his face with my hands and he wraps his arms around my waist. My heads backs away to catch my breath, then I quickly press my lips against his. Of course, that didn't last long because Sapnap came over to Dream's car and opened the front door without knowing anything.

"Holy shit- I- uh- I'm sorry-" Our lips part quickly as heads turn towards Sapnap. It was at that moment I found out I was now sitting on Dream's lap with both his legs in between mine. My face turns red when I see the position I'm in and so does Dream's face. Sapnap on the other hand looked paralyzed and still stuttered.

"I-I-I'll be go-i-ing" He said shutting the door. Dream and I stare at each other and I go back to the passenger seat grabbing my stuff and opening the door. All I could hear was a traumatized Sapnap telling Karl and Drista what happened. I could still feel my face burning from what happened, but I managed to turn it down a bit after.


"what the fuck-"

"DRISTA!!! Watch your mouth!!" I could hear an angry Dream yell because of Drista.

"I'm turning 15 for gods sake! You and your friends swear all the time!"

"She has a point... I mean she is high school now. You've been swearing since like 4th grade" I say as Dream turns his face towards me in embarrassment.

"I- uh- fine. I won't bother you about swearing anymore" He mumbled but it was still enough for all of us to hear what he said.

We left the parking lot and starting walking towards the entrance. 30 minutes to spare. Not bad. Sapnap and Karl left to find Quackity. So Dream, Drista, and I went to go get another schedule for me since I lost mine and also to help Drista find her classes. We walked to the other side of the school to where the Freshmen section of classes were.

"George look! It's the prank we pulled off last year!"

I turned around and saw writing written with spray paint on the walls saying "Don't be like Mr. Hoster dumbass" as well as some smaller writing and a pride flag spray painted with the caption "Love is love" and "you are no different than others because of your sexuality" written with a large heart under it. I turned to the other side to see more writing but with paint saying similar things but also with writings saying "men and woman are fucking equal", "woman rights! Same as men!" And a bunch of "fuck Andrew Tate!"

All the writings were from the football team, cheer team, and their friends too. There were some others who also joined us last year. Towards the end of the school year we decided to give the freshmen for next year a surprise. So a bunch of us snuck in at night and blocked the cameras so no one saw us. One of the girls on the cheer team managed to trick security into going to the opposite side from where we were while we all got inside with spray paint and normal paint. The next day was the last day and we had a whole ass assembly because of it. No one gave in and we all got detention and had to do work. But everyone didn't mind because they all agreed that it was fucking worth it.

"That was so worth it. Even the school agreed!" I answered giggling a bit.

"Hell yeah it was! Funny how they never took it off" I heard Dream say laughing

"Probably liked our gift" I replied sarcastically. In my opinion it was that and the fact that this school was so broke.

We continued to walk and Drista had found nearly all her classes. As we continued she found her friend and started talking with her. I got my phone and checked the time, 7:23 am. We should probably get going, school starts in 12 minutes.

I walk over to Dream and lightly punch his arm.

"What's up?"

"We should get going, school starts in 12 minutes and we still have to walk back and find our lockers."

"Okay, let me just tell Drista real quick" I smile as he starts to walk closer to Drista. He touches her shoulder and she quickly looks up to Dream's face.

"Yeah?" She said to the taller figure.

"Me and George have to get going, alright?"

"K! See you later"

"You too!" Dream smiles and walks towards me again. He looks at me and grabs my hand as we start walking back.

Well, time to see have this first day goes...



Hello! The First day of the QSMP was fucking amazing!!! I watched Wilbur's stream and bro lives in the wall now 😂

1437 words ☆

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