Chapter 10: Change of Plans

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George POV

I woke up to the smell of bacon and pancakes. I checked my phone and it was 7:37 am. I got up and my way to the kitchen where Wilbur, Techno, Niki, Fundy, and Eret were.

I sat at down at the kitchen counter by Niki who was talking to another woman. She looked older then us and had medium length hair. Her eyes were a chocolate brown color and she had the largest smile I've ever seen. I mean. It was like 7 am, who has a smile that big at 7 am?!

I scanned the room and saw an older man with short blond hair walk down the stairs. It was Phil.

"Is Tommy still asleep?" He asked.

"Yeah, same with Jack, Tubbo and Ran" Techno responded.

"Should we wake them up? Breakfast is almost ready." The older woman spoke.

"I'll get the water guns!" Eret explained and sprinted upstairs.

"What's going on?" I asked confused on what's happening.

"Oh! I forgot to tell you! If someone is asleep and we have to do something we attack them with water guns. With cold water. It's really fun you should join us!" Wilbur explained to me. I agreed on joining them and soon Eret came back down with 4 small water guns filled with cold water.

Wil, Eret, Techno, and I grabbed one each and walked into the living to see 4 peacefully sleeping. Techno whispered counted down from 3 and we started spraying them with the cold water.

Tommy was like a cat who had touched water. He started chasing Wil, who was the one who sprayed him.

He did end up calming down after about...

30 minutes?

We all went back into the kitchen and started eating breakfast.

"George why aren't you eating? You've barely took a few bites." I heard Trixtin say, Tommy and Wil's mom.

"I'm just not hungry ma'am. The food is certainly delicious but I'm not really someone who eats in the morning."

"Oh okay..." she responded with a soft smile.

We continued to talk about random things, Wilbur started to talk about what we should do today. We were going to hang here till about 11 then leave to go to the beach. Then I would have about 3 hours till I would have to leave.

Time skip

We found a place to park and started unpacking our bags. It was 10:40 which would give me enough time to hang out with them and the others. I quickly started to unpack my bag. I took out a towel, sunscreen, a water bottle and a few other things. I layed everything out nicely and started to apply some sunscreen.

"George! Look what I got!" I heard Tommy say. I lifted my head up and saw waters gun. A shit ton of water guns in his hands and he was holding them up as if he had won the best prize ever.

He handed me one and put the rest on the towel. We saw Wilbur, who was organizing his things, his back was towards us so we approached him with our already filled water guns.

I aim for the target and shoot at his head. His hair immediately gets soaked and he turns around to see me laughing my ass off. Tommy hit his back so the majority of his back was wet as well. He

"Oh you bitches." Is what Will said before he saw where the water guns are and takes one. He targets Tommy first and I decide to target him too.

The others soon joined in and we had a water gun war. It was Tommy, Tubbo, Ranboo, Techno and I versus Wilbur, Niki, Jack, Eret, and Fundy. We all got wet and it looked like we were already in the ocean. And we won of course.

We then actually went into the ocean and had loads of fun. Tommy and Tubbo were non-stop fighting each other while Ranboo just watched them. Techno, Wilbur, and Eret were having a chat as well as Niki and Jack. They were all in the ocean but I got out after sometime and had a chat with Fundy about all the chaotic shit with the football team.

It was 1:45 so I still had time to hangout with them. We had our lunch and played cards. We played truth or, water gun? It was still fun.

"George, would you come to SBI prep if you switch?" Jack asked me the question.

"Ummm... I... don't know, it sounds amazing but I still have friends at Fearless High." I answered him.

"Valid. You're turn"

"Tommy. What is the most horrible thing you have seen?"

"Uhhh. So at school I had to pick up the work that I missed from a teacher. So I knocked but nobody answered. The door was open so I peeked inside and saw two of my teachers making out, and I think there was going to be more because I swear I heard the teacher moan! The worst part is that they're both married to different people..." He answered laughing at what he said. We continued to play and it kept getting funnier and funnier.

I didn't notice I lost track of time...

Dream POV

"He isn't answering my texts! What if something happened?!" I started to panic. It was 5:40 and George still wasn't here.

"Dream, relax. Let's call him okay?" I heard Sapnap say as he dialed his number. He put it one speaker so we could both hear.

"Hello?" The voice from the phone said. I relaxed a little knowing he was okay.

"Where are you? It's been 2 hours." I asked him.

"Oh shit I forgot! I'm sorry I can't come..."


"Hanging out with some friends. And I lost track of time... I'm sorry..." he said quietly.

"Oh that's fine... see you Monday then?" I asked him.

"Yeah! Obviously, we have to go to hell mandator-" He was cut off by a voice in the distance calling his name.

"Gotta go! Love you bye!" He spoke quickly before hanging up.

"At least I know he's okay. Lets get back to the others" I told Sapnap and we went back to the others.

George POV

I hung up on Dream and went to Wilbur. We sat on some towels in a circle and took out some containers with our lunch in it.

"We should definitely do this more often! I say we kidnap George and bring him to SBI Prep!" Tommy shouted.

"Don't worry guys! I'll promise to hang out with you more often!" I replied chuckling with what the blond said.

We finished our lunch, talked and packed everything up to leave. It was about 6:40 so we decided to go to Wilbur and Tommy's house again for a movie. Once the movie ended everyone headed back home.

My opened the door and heard nothing. I went upstairs and checked my parents, well my mom's bedroom now, and saw no one. It was about 9 so I decided to make something for her.

I mean yeah she's not the best, but she was still my mom and my father cheated on her. I baked a cake and decorated it with a note saying "I know it's not much but I tried. Love, George <3" I cleaned up the house and then went to bed.

God did I love today...

Haven't posted in a long time-

School starts Monday 😭😭😭

My sleep schedule is fucked up so I won't really have a problem with that...

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