Chapter 9: Hangout

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George POV

The bell rang and the whole class started to pack up as our teacher told us our homework assignment. I left the classroom and started walking towards the entrance instead of going to the field. It was Friday which meant that I would hangout with Wil and some other people.

I texted Wilbur and he responded saying that they were on their way. I decided to sit on the grass by the parking lot and text Annabelle for a while since she had to miss practice for an appointment.

After about 35 minutes I saw two cars pull up in front of me. A red one and a black one. The window came down from the black car and it was Wilbur who had a soft smile on his face.

"About time." I said sarcastically crossing my arms making Wil chuckle.

"Sorry about that, there was some stupid car accident on the way." He replied.

"Yeah, yeah..." I rolled my eyes playfully at him, "I'm assuming I get into this car?" I asked him.

"Correct." He paused for a moment before yelling at the people in the back. "TOMMY STOP HITTING TUBBO WITH YOUR CALCULATOR!"

It made me laugh a little before I got inside the car and sat beside a boy with brown hair. Once I got in the car started to move again with the other car behind it.

"Hello! I'm Tubbo!" The boy said with a cheerful smile that went ear to ear.

"Oh! Hi, I'm George" I replied with a nervous smile.

I got to meet Tommy, Techno and Tubbo and it was quite fun to chat with them.

Dream POV

Once the bell rang I got my things and headed towards the locker rooms for practice. I got changed and chatted with Sapnap while we waited the rest of the team came out into the field.

"Hey, where's George?" He asked me.

"He's out with some friends." I told him.

Once the rest of the team came out we started to warm up as we waited for Coach Bad to come and start practice. After a few minutes he came by but was grabbing his stuff quickly.

"Sorry boys, no practice today" He told us.

"What happened?" I heard Karl ask him.

"I forgot I had to attend a meeting and it starts and 3" He replied as he got the last of his stuff and turned around.

"So you all have a free day! Enjoy!" He started to walk away from us and towards the parking lot.

We all went back into the changing rooms and I decided to take a quick shower. Once I was done getting changed I put my stuff away and headed out with Sapnap while his boyfriends were in front of us.

When we got to the parking lot I noticed a familiar boy sitting on grass on his phone.

"Hey is that George? What's he doing here?" I heard Sapnap say.

"I don't know, he's suppose to be with some friends right now. You don't think they ditched him, do you?" I asked my best friend.

"Hopefully not."

"I'll go check on him" I said as I turned towards George's direction.

I started to walk towards him when I saw 2 cars pull up in front of him. He had a small talk with another person that had his window down before he got in. Then the 2 cars drove away. I assumed those were his friends so I just went back towards Sapnap and my car.

"Did you see the driver?!" Sapnap asked me asked surprised.

"No...? Why?"

"He had long pink hair! And when George opened the door the kid had a SBI football jacket! George is with the fucking SBI football team! Our rival in football and in general!" He explained.

"Are you 100% sure?" I questioned calmly trying to not jump to conclusions.

"99.95% sure..."

"Okay, I'll ask him why he was out still when we left and that shit alright?"

"What makes you think he'll tell you the truth?" He said.

"What are you talking about?" I asked him confused on what he's telling me.

"He knows that you hate SBI. He knows that you'll go crazy if you know that he's friends with them" He told me.

"That not true. I'm going to ask him and it will be okay." I said making Sapnap sigh.

George POV

We decided to go to the park and buy some ice cream. I got to meet a lot of people and they were all so nice. Tommy, Tubbo, and Ranboo were the most chaotic especially together. Techno was a lovely person to chat to and definitely hilarious. Niki and Eret were the calmest and super sweet. Jack was calm but chaotic at the same time. Him and Wilbur were alike in that for sure.

We all chatted and had loads of fun. Soon Wilbur got a text.

"Hey guys! Fundy's out of detention and is coming over!" He exclaimed. We all continued our conversations and chaos as we waited.

After about 15 minutes Fundy got here. He was fun the hang out with as well. We ended up staying at the park for around 3 hours before we went to Wilbur and Tommy's house. We played Uno for a while till our pizza arrived, then we started eating.

"So George, what's Fearless High like?" I heard Niki ask me.

"It's fine. I mean there's like nothing ever happening there which is super boring."

"It's school, what did you expect? To not be hell?" Tommy replied.

"Good point. Guess I just spent the good times with the football team." I chuckled at Tommy response.

"Oh yeah, the green teletubby is your boyfriend right?" Wilbur asked,

"Yeah, he somehow managed to convince me to be their water boy"

"Lucky bitches! Our water boy is super lazy! And is also on his damn phone!" Tommy yelled.

"Hey! I'm right here y'know?!" SBI's water boy responded, which was Fundy.

We all started to laugh as Tommy and Fundy started arguing. I then got a text from the football team group chat.

FHS best people

Hang out at 3 tomorrow at my place?

Hell yeah!

Ofc dreamie poo ;)

I don't have shit planned so...


I replied and then muted the chat to put my phone away. We all continued to have tons of fun and I got to meet Wil and Tommy's dad. He was super sweet and chill so we had no problem after.

We all ended up staying at their house and fell asleep in the living room.

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