Chapter 11: eavesdropping

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TW: Eavesdropping, argument, toxic-ish, mention of underage drinking.

Time skip: 2 months

Dream POV

It was once again Friday. But this time, this Friday meant that winter break was starting. The final bell rung and everybody rushed out of the room. The school teams and after school activities still had to attend today but after that it was officially winter break.

I went to the locker rooms as usual and began getting dressed appropriately for practice. I greeted my friends and soon left to go to the field. I looked around and saw George with his AirPods on, a laptop on his lap and a phone in his hands. He was currently occupied with his phone.

I went up the bleachers and kneeled down to kiss his forehead.

"Hey love" He giggled at the unexpected action.

"Hello Georgie" I replied sitting down one bleacher under him. I layer back against his knee but his attention was once again on his phone.

"Georgeeeee... don't ignore me!"

"I'm sorry love, I'm just texting with some friends. We're hanging out Sunday so we're deciding where to go" He tells me.

A minute after Coach Bad came out and we started practice. Since today was the last day before our 3 weeks, he worked with all of us but in duos mostly to help. So right now me and Sap were relaxing by the bleachers.

"Has he told you anything about his friends?" I heard Sapnap ask me.

"Just when they're hanging out. But never about them" I answered him.

"I still think it's SBI... I mean you see how he is whenever we have a game against them! Always waving and smiling at them! Hell I think he even knows the coach!"

"Or he's just being friendly" I add on.

I turn around and see George heading towards the locker rooms with his phone by his ear.

"Come on let's go see! I'm curious as fuck" Sapnap says before he drags me to the locker rooms behind George and making sure he doesn't see or hear us.

"Okay we're good now." There was a pause before he spoke again "Of course I'm going to the party tonight! I mean it's a party?! And with you guys it will be the best fucking night of my life!"

Party? There's no party tonight from anyone in our school?

"Who's picking us up?" Us? Who is us? "We're three..."

I had so many questions running through my mind. I knew he was still speaking but I didn't pay attention. Or atleast till I heard a specific sentence.

"Hey is there alcohol? Oh anything I don't really care, I just need to clear my mind a bit and relax." Alcohol?! Why is he even asking?!?!

"No you idiot! I already have a boyfriend! I'm not getting a one night stand" he kept laughing during his sentence. "It just that school is shit.. but then again it's my fault for not having my notifications on silent" I could hear some voices through the phone before George started speaking again. "Hi Tommy! Miss me?" Tommy... The only Tommy we know is Tommy Innit. Tommy Innit Minecraft.. from SBI Prep. He isn't actually. Is he?

"The boyfriend is fine. Just being a fucking koala" I see Sapnap try to hold back a small laugh. I glare at him and he almost immediately stops. But I accidentally bump into something causing a loud noise to escape from our spot.

"What the fuck...?" I look up and see a very pissed George glaring hard at me and Sapnap.

"Out. Now." The brunet ordered us in a cold voice. We leave and he stays in continuing his call.

"He said Tommy. Do you think it's that kid from SBI?" I ask Sapnap

"Probably, I mean no one from our school is having a party tonight"

He came out after about 8 minutes but the angry expression was still there.

"Haha... have fun with that." Sapnap told me as he patted my shoulder before taking off sprinting away from here.

"Why were you fucking eavesdropping." He said coldly.

"We went to grab something but stayed after you said alcohol," I responded.

He sighed before speaking again, "just please don't eavesdrop again."


"Because it's something called privacy."

"It's privacy that you're going to a party and get drunk?"

"I'm not getting drunk. I'm just taking a few sips that's all"

"I'm not letting you. You aren't going to that party."

He scoffed, "you can't tell me what to do. You're not my mom."

"I'm telling you what your mom would say if she actually knew."

"Oh she does. And she even gave me permission." A smirk grew on his face.

"Well listen to your boyfriend once and don't. Fucking. Go."

"I'm still going you know? Not like a little sentence will stop me."

"Then you're coming to my house."

"No. And why are you being so over protective?! I'm not getting drunk. I'm not hooking up. I'm not doing anything! I'm going to hang out with my friends for the love of god!"

"Because they're not just your friends! They're our rivals! And you're acting like they haven't gotten us in trouble before! Like they haven't vandalized school property!"

"First of all, the seniors got you in trouble. They also vandalized the school and got expelled after. And are now in jail for doing so. Secondly, it's just high school! Nothing in High School last forever!"

"What the fuck are you saying? That we aren't going to last after school is over?!" I glared harder at him. I was hovering over him with my head looking down. He glared at me as well, except his head was looking up at me.

"If you keep acting like a dick then we won't even make till new year's" His words were sharp and cold. It hit me like a truck with what he said. I can't lose him. I love him too much. I repeated in my mind. But my mouth didn't understand and now had a mind of its own.

"Do it. I won't give a fuck." His eyes widened a bit in surprise. But they quickly narrow back at me.

"I'm giving you till a week after break is over. I'm giving both of us a break from each other, so if nothing changes. Then, this isn't going to last any longer..." he closed his eyes before turning away and started walking to the parking lot.

I was left there shocked. A break? I don't need a break! I need him to understand...

I once alone with my thoughts before I heard a sigh next to me and felt a hand on my shoulder. Sapnap.

"Come on, practice is over." He said with a hint of sadness in his voice. I saw George hopping into a car and it drove away after.

We shouldn't have eavesdropped.


I'm going back to prison tomorrow.

Fuck school.

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