Prologue 1/2

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It was lonely night for little kitten wandering the streets to streets, towns to towns hoping for getting to eat or even milk to drink , but so no luck have come to this little kitten

The little kitten end up walking into the Forrest and curl up into a ball to sleep as his belly growl in starvation, he close it eyes hoping for his belly growling to stop , little kitten then heard something coming toward him but was too tired to see or look up

He felt getting pick up gently and rest in warm arm with also movement , the kitten fall sleep in a warm arm, hours pass and the kitten felt nice warm again but only this time was fire , the kitten open his eyes and stretch his body upward from the long rest

He then saw saw hand approaching and it got scared, but it wasn't hand or human hand , it was a paw just like the little kitten but only one thing that it was a male orange tabby cat and he have a hat and belt with a sword attached to it and he was wearing the boots

And then the little kitten look down at the hand and saw a treat , he was shook for see food for as long he can remember , he look at the orange tabby cat to make sure it ok

Puss in boots : eat , eat little one , you need it more then I do

The little kitten show a little smile and ate the treat off another cat paw , the older cat sat down next to the little kitten

Puss in boots : I'm glad you weren't dead little one , I didn't know if you were alive , thankfully I saw you laying to the tree last night

The little kitten look at the older cat again for knowing it was him that carrying him

Puss in boots : soo uh I'm assuming your all alone by yourself huh ?

The little kitten : meow

Puss in boots : and no family ?

The little kitten shake his head sadly , the older cat scratch his head

Puss in boots : hm I see , well I'm very sorry little one , a lonely kitten shouldn't be alone , I know how that feel like

The older cat gently put his hand on the kitten head and Started rubbing him ,the little kitten purring from the touch of getting rub on the head , the older cat thought to himself for the lonely kitten

Puss in boots : you know little one , I'll take care of you , but I will also teach how to stay alive with training as well

The little kitten look up at the older cat , taking him under his wings and giving him a father figure to up too , he snuggle on lap as he smile

Puss in boots : hehe , don't worry I'll won't let anyone hurt you , and I shall call you teo , you and me will have greatest adventure together, making ourselves a legend

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