Celebration night....

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After escaping from the great terror and they land safely to the ground where they stared, before leaving they chop down the beanstalk so nobody will climb it especially jack and Jill

It took awhile to chop it down till the sun was going down , the three cats and eggs get on the
Wagon and put the golden goose in the back with teo and humpty while Puss and kitty make the horse run so they won't have to run up on someone and get away as far as possible

Keeping on the golden goose wasn't easy , while teo was getting a little annoyed with her pecking at him and trying to leave , putting all the annoying aside he was happy to help his father and his brother get the golden goose so she can lay the golden eggs and pay the damages from the damage that Puss and humpty did when they were teens but more importantly pay his debts of redemption for Puss

At night once they were far from the beanstalk , Puss stop the Wagon and best to rest here till they continue moving forward , teo help Humpty getting the golden goose off the wagon  the goose Roam around the desert for little bit till she pop out another eggs while Kitty make a fire to camp out  , teo then have that thought again on why Humpty is desperate on bringing the golden goose from the great terror , they could have just take one of the golden eggs and bring them but taking the goose was a big step

Before he can think more teo saw his father waving at him to come over , he walk toward his father thinking if he should ask why taking the goose from the great terror was good idea or a bad idea....or could be both

Teo the cat : yeah dad ?

Puss in boots : care for a celebration for tonight ? Today was good day

Humpty Dumpty :  he right kid , this celebration will be the night you'll never forget, and probably let you stay up late

Puss laugh at humpty joke as he hand puss the golden eggs to hold including himself , teo scratch his head if he want to say yes but he really want to express his thoughts on why taking the golden goose might be a bad idea , but at the sametime he doesn't want to ruin their mood

Teo the cat : well...

Kitty softpaws : come on teo , one celebrate tonight wouldn't hurt right ? Just give it a try

Kitty then hand teo a golden eggs as she walk up to Puss and Humpty , teo then look at the golden eggs for short minutes and then look up at his father ,Humpty and kitty , he pull up a smile and shrug off from his thoughts to rest and join his father and his new friend and both raise their golden eggs to the air

Both : To paying back San Ricardo!

Kitty softpaws : To being rich!

Humpty Dumpty : Olé!

Puss and Kitty both clap their paws which made teo join to the rhythms while Humpty starts flamenco dancing behind the fire as he spin around and finish with the flame roar behind him

Next kitty and puss was clinking the golden eggs with wooden sticks while humpty continues dancing and let out a laugh , Kitty then look at puss with teo dancing beside him , teo  then saw kitty looking at him and his father giving out a smile

Then Puss stop clinking and look at kitty at her direction and let out chuckles , he then throw the wooden stick in the air and went towards to kitty , teo saw this and made him happy seeing his father and kitty dancing together

Puss In boots : You

Kitty softpaw : Me?

Puss in boots : Yeah, yeah, baby! [grunts]

Then Puss was stop by half giant leaf from humpty and went towards Kitty to dance with her , teo let out a laugh when puss look over to him while teo was covering his laughing

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