Steal and escape with the golden goose 1/2

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Puss pull out his claws and Kitty put her dagger and both put it at the drape and hold on humpty with the strap while holding on to his father as they Slide down

Puss in boots : So here is the plan: You two get the golden eggs, I will fight the giant.

Humpty Dumpty : There's no giant to fight. The giant's been dead for years.

Puss In boots   : What?!

Humpty Dumpty : You didn't do the reading, did you?

Teo the cat : well...we barely read when we go towns to towns, I was honestly hoping to see my dad fought a giant....but can you tell us anyway ?

Humpty dumpy : well sure...Jack and the Beanstalk, chapter 14, "Giant Takes a Big Dirt Nap

When they made to the ground and drop down to
the floor before humpty finish his sentence

Humpty Dumpty : Ahh! Ankle burn

Teo cover his laughter till they both heard monstrous roar, the three cats quickly hide while Puss drag humpty in to hide too from whatever creature it is

Kitty softpaws : Wha... What was that?

Humpy dumpty : They call it the Great Terror ,It's the monster that guards the Golden Goose.

They both quickly sneak to table legs to keep being hidden while humpty Continues explaining of the monster

Humpty Dumpty : (whisper) Legend has it that if you look at it, you'll turn to stone , But nobody really knows because nobody's walked away from it alive.

Teo the cat : (whisper) well that..just great to think about when we're getting the eggs while there a creature guarding a freaking goose

Humpty Dumpty : (whispers) don't worry kid as long your stay behind your dad , Kitty or me you'll be safe , and beside your with knowledge of expert , follow me and keep quiet.

The three cats and the eggs sneak over to a empty giant glass cup while Humpty's suit was squeaking and then sneaky walk toward a giant boot , while humpty was slowing down as his suit continue to squeaking

Kitty softpaws : Shh! Humpty!

Teo the cat : come dude , that thing is gonna hear if you keep making that squeaky sound !

Humpty Dumpty : I can't help it. Everything's rubbing and pinching!...I need powder!

They both went over to giant champagne bottle but humpty knock the bottle and move slightly to giant glass cup and fall down to the very bottom of the ground

Teo the cat : uh oh....

They both flinch at the distant of the glass cup shattering, the monstrous roar and quickly hide behind the giant champagne , as puss roll humpty and teo help Humpty getting up , they heard giant leaf brushing together as the monster moving around , the egg and the three cats peak over at the giant bottle and try to figure how to get to the other side from the huge cliff

Humpty Dumpty : How are we gonna get across?

Puss tap at the giant bottle getting the others attention to look at the giant bottle and then at Puss , and both nod of the idea

Puss In boots : Champagne

Kitty tie around the knot on the cork and nod her head at Puss and teo , before they hold on tight puss pull up his sword to release the cork pop

Puss in boots : Cheers!

As the cork pop in the air sending them to the giant garden like jungle , puss , kitty and teo scream and holding on to their life at the cork as teo was holding on to kitty , they made to ground with a rough landing , teo shake his head and dust the dirt off

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