Growing plant

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After escaping from the murderous outlaw jack and Jill , the three cats and the egg was on riding again in middle of nowhere that is surrounded by sand , teo was in the back of the wagon with humpty while he navigating his map

Teo the cat : that was AMAZING of what just happened, like wagon making a wagon to fly was incredible!!

Humpty Dumpty : you think so ?

Teo the cat : yeah ! I been adventure with my dad that was cool but this with you was really awesome , how long did  you build that wagon to fly ?

Humpty stop what he was doing and give out little chuckle and scratch his shell

Humpty Dumpty : well Um..not that long , all I did was make some blueprint and idea to make it and the design on the wagon , and basically put the parts in it

Teo the cat : wow that cool , I know dad told me and kitty that you build stuff when you were a kid but still impressive

Humpty Dumpty : well thank teo , but not to be rude or anything but I should really get back to work

Teo the cat : oh ok I understand, I'll uhhh give you some thinking time with the cloud and beans and stuff

Teo was about to climb out and join his father and kitty humpty said something to two

Humpty Dumpty : but teo you did really good out that and thank for the compliment

Teo the cat : no problem humpty , we're a team

They both smile and teo left humpty alone and join his father and sat next to him , Puss was having a awkward conversation with kitty while he trying to give out to a compliment

Puss in boots : I must hand it to the egg..This was a team effort. Humpty still has his claws...I mean, flaws. That was what I meant, not claws...He's not a cat..

He chuckle nervously as teo raise his eyebrows in confusion and with kitty almost offended by Puss words

Puss in boots : Not to say there's anything wrong...

Kitty softpaws : I don't want to talk about it.

Puss in boots : Got it.

Back at Humpty Dumpty he was still focusing on the map for moment till he finally got the directions they're were heading

Humpty Dumpty : OK, we should be close! Keep your eyes out for any strange cloud activity!

Teo the cat : ok , but Kitty I want to ask on your name , how come they call you softpaws and...don't have any umm "you don't want to talk about it" thing

Kitty softpaws : I am called Kitty Softpaws because I'll steal you blind and you'll never even know I was there.

Kitty then pull up a bag of money and Puss check his boots and only to realize that she stole from him again and snatch it and put it in his boots

Teo the cat : wow , again you got to teach me how you do that

Kitty didn't say anything and only show silent , teo put his excitement down and look in different directions in awkwardness

Puss in boots : Kitty? You are not as good as they say...You're better, we will respect your privacy.

Teo the cat : we do ?

Puss In boots : yes we do teo , if she doesn't want to talk about it ,then  it none of our business

It give out another awkward silent....teo then play with his tail and still looking away from the awkwardness , that is it till Kitty begin to say something and bringing her past to Puss and teo

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