Break my father out

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Sneaking into San Ricardo prison wasn't exactly easy for breaking puss in boots out, with a lot of guards securing the prison cells and not knowing how risky it is to get in

But with teo and Kitty sneak into prison without getting caught by the guards, then the two cats stand behind the wall quietly in the shadow , then a door swing open and the two of them immediately got in before it got shut

After they were in after the door was shut behind, the two cats then search to find Puss , teo look around the prison cell with bunch of criminals or thief or outlaws, making him feel worry seeing this place and also worry where his father is

Teo the cat : wow...if this what they do keeping these people here , I can't imagine how my dad is holding up...

Kitty softpaws : don't worry teo , if you know your father for so long and been through a lot with him...he'll be fine

Teo know she right, he been with puss as long as he can remember, he know his father been lot after what humpty did and changing his life on that bridge and leaving humpty, especially being alone in the wilderness, he know his father is gonna be ok when they break him out...but deep down he just have to see if he not hurt

Teo the cat : your right kitty , but I have to be sure if he isn't hurt or worst

As they were sneaking and searching each cell to found puss ,kitty look at the cell's one by one hoping to see puss in any of them but found no luck , teo look as well but noticed Kitty sadness

Teo the cat : kitty, you ok ?

Kitty softpaws : I'm fine it you think Puss will forgive me for what happened ?

Teo never been ask that kind of question before, he think about it for second before answer to her, he thought back on the moment where puss and kitty were dancing together and how happy they was , making him have tiny smile and found what he was gonna say

Teo the cat : kitty I know for fact that my dad will  forgive you no matter what , despite what happened he'll forgive, my dad love you

Kitty softpaws : you think so

Teo the cat : of course , because been with my dad for my entire life and don't tell him this but he can't stay mad at lady like you , I'm just a kitten who giving out a second chance to help me break my dad out and tell him about the great terror arrival, I'm very sure he'll also give you chance when we break him out

Kitty softpaws :  thank teo

Teo the cat : your welcome, also when you told me that my dad made you realize there something better then gold...maybe you should tell him that

He give a smile to kitty as he look up at her , Kitty know that teo is right , they were about to hug till they both heard meow from distant, they both look at each and know that sound is Puss, the two cats ran to the sound that was coming from

After they reach to the sound it was coming from and saw a guard rushing toward the door  , thinking that where Puss is held up kitty and teo look at each other with smile knowing that they found him , teo was one second stepping in to knock out the guard and free his father but Kitty stop him

Teo the cat : what ?

Kitty softpaws : I think it best that I handled him , while you get your father belonging

Teo the cat : no way i wanna knock him out , I know I can do it kitty

Kitty softpaws : as much I like see your confident of doing it, but I don't think your little paws can wrap around the guard and your father will kill me if you get hurt from the guard , but if you think you can do then go other

My dad is a outlaw Where stories live. Discover now