Bonus ending

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(I had this bonus ending before I finish this story, so I'm context this bonus ending take place before "me,my dad and the three diablos" but anywho enjoy reading this bonus ending and thank you for reading)

Shortly later after saving san Ricardo,returning the baby goose to her mother and also having dance at a cat bar, Puss and his son teo was at the middle of the desert resting for the night and rest by the fire

Teo was enjoying eating his fish stick while his father was keeping the fire lit, after Puss was done keeping the fire lit, he went over to his son and check how he doing

Puss In boots : how you doing son ? Fish stick taste good ?

Teo the cat : I'm doing good dad , the fish stick taste amazing

Puss smile and pat his son on the back and sit next to him for awhile, the two cats both sit together as they were in the campfire, after teo was done eating his snack , he started to think about the adventure he been through with father and then mostly kitty too, Puss noticed and smile at his son

Puss in boots : you thinking about her ?

Teo the cat : what ?

Puss in boots : Kitty , you're thinking about her don't you ?

Teo was little surprised that his father know he was thinking about kitty , he can't lie about or cover it , so he admits that he was thinking of her

Teo the cat : I mean yeah....maybe..I sometimes think about her all the time, like the adventures and the dances...and how she was nice to me...

Puss in boots : well your not alone son I'm thinking of her too

Teo the cat : you do ??

Puss in boots : of course I do, she is a most skillful and beautiful woman I ever met, I think about her most of a time

Teo the cat : do you think we'll see her again ?

Teo said as he almost had tear in his eyes, puss confront his son and held him close to him

Puss in boots : I think we will son, maybe one day Or hopefully soon, we'll see her again , I know how much you been close of her and want us to be together

Teo the cat : does that mean you'll marry her someday ?

Puss let out an nervous laugh and look both different directions as he got up and making teo confused on his father, Puss clear his throat and look down at his son

Puss In boots : I'll umm...I'm gonna patrol the area before we go sleep

Puss walk away from the campfire, teo saw his father walking fast making him chuckle to himself, figuring that he sorta scared him on marriage

Teo can just see it now , seeing his father and kitty getting married and be together as the three of them go on an adventures and be a family together, but he know it'll happen someday rather then now,

then teo heard a faint step approaching behind him , without a second thought on who it is , he pull out his dagger and pointed at the trespasser only to his surprised who it is

Kitty softpaws : wow, I guess your dad really did train you well

Teo the cat : kitty!

Teo got up and give kitty a big hug , kitty hug him back and smile for seeing teo again, they both hug for short awhile and pull away

Kitty softpaws : it good to see you too teo, what you doing out here out and where puss

Teo the cat : it good to see you too kitty , my dad is patrolling the area before we go to sleep, are you here for my dad ?

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