High pitch/giant castle

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When the beanstalk reach to the clouds and stop growing from the ground , the three cats and the egg stand up and they were amazed in awe , humpty took little step to edge and slide off leaf

Humpty Dumpty : (high pitch) Uh, guys? AH ! Whoa!

both : (high pitch) Humpty!

Humpty land on the cloud slowly disappear, the three cats look for humpty but couldn't see where he is from the clouds

Puss in boots (high pitch) I do not see him. Do you see him?

Teo the cat (high pitch) : no

Kitty softpaws (high pitch) : I don't see him anywhere

Puss in boots (high pitch) You sound...weird

Humpty then reappear from the clouds , he smile and look to his friends

Humpty dumpy (high pitch) :  It's the thin air! Come on in! It feels great!

The three cats then jump and slide off on the beanstalk leaf they laugh and yelp in excitement as they fall to the clouds, they both pop up from the fall

Puss in boots (high pitch) : The cloud, it tickles my nose

Teo the cat (high pitch) : (giggle) I never thought clouds would be so fluffy

Humpty Dumpty : (high pitch) Hoo-hoo! That's because they effervesce! Who knew? Ho-ho!

Puss and teo chuckle at humpty goofy around , teo look at kitty and quickly duck down when she throw a cloud ball at Puss , teo look at his  father and giggle as Puss stare at kitty , Kitty laugh till Puss throw a cloud ball at her , Puss laugh sarcastic at kitty and went into a playful attack , preparing to pounce Kitty

Teo the cat (high pitch) : oooh boy (smile)

Kitty softpaws (high pitch) : Come on !

They both playfully attack and chase around the clouds , teo saw his father and kitty playing with each other ,he thought to himself it look fun , teo join in with the two cats and playful attack , then puss started to run while  teo and kitty chase him , the clouds was beginning to cover Puss and the two cats view of him , then the teo and kitty stop running and out of breaths

Teo and Kitty search around Puss from the clouds but no luck , till they see him a in front of them , Kitty was about to pounce him but teo grab her hand to stop her

Teo the cat (high pitch) : wait...I wouldn't do that if I was you , this happened to me before

Kitty softpaws (high pitch) : oh it'll be fine , I'm not scared of your dad , what he gonna do flirt me to death ?

Teo the cat (high pitch) : ok didn't say I warn you

Teo let go of kitty hand and cross his arms knowing what gonna happen to her , Kitty Jump towards to Puss and was about to grab him

Kitty softpaws (high pitch) : Gotcha!

it then reveal to be just a clouds shape as Puss with his hat fall down , Kitty was confuse for second till Puss surprisingly tackle her down , they roll over till Kitty was on top of puss , they both laugh and stare at each other

Puss In boots (high pitch) : Meow

Teo walk towards and just smile at his father and kitty , he couldn't help but just stare and being happy at them , he realize that he haven't gag at this whenever his father was being a lady man or flirting with lady or female cat , he thought to himself that "Will these two be happy together" but he also think that if it does work out...will kitty be his mother , that thoughts was put into a stop when humpty show up with a goofy look with mustache clouds and clouds hairdo

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