The Dance the fight reunion

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The two cats was sneaking across the rooftop of jack and Jill location and including the magic beans

Teo was questioning himself of this bean of legends rumors from the mens at the bar , he just didn't know if he want to believe that even if it possible

Teo the cat : dad earlier at the bar you said you search for the "magic beans" for your whole life , how long was that exactly ?

Puss give a shortly silent and look at his apdoted son , while he focus on the mission of getting the beans but give him an answer rather then avoiding teo questions

Puss in boots : a long time till I meet you teo , a long...long time

Teo the cat : and you give up and then all of sudden your back to where your started from this guy with a funny mustache told you these beans are real ?

Puss then stop and face toward teo and put his hand on his shoulder , and look at his adopted son in the eyes

Puss In boots : teo I know your questioning yourself if it true or not , it a very good instinct to have right now even for your young age , but...getting those beans and...hopefully repay my debt and found redemption for what I done

Teo the cat : what you do dad ?

Puss look over to see jack and Jill of where there staying , and look back at teo , he try to find a way to answer him but couldn't find any and just say this to him

Puss In boots : that is a story for another time , but teo it is really important to me getting them ,will you help me ?

Teo alway help with his father no matter what it is ,he always think of puss as his father that he ever had in his life , and teo really want to help and make his dad proud of him , then he think of getting those beans are really real magic and get his redemption , then Puss would be so proud of him

Teo the cat : always dad

giving the two cats a smile , Puss pat his teo on the shoulder , they both continue on their mission and leap between gap of the rooftop to the windows, they both heard a dog barking at them
From above the dog , the two cats then sneak across the windows and peek at the glass

Jill : baby what, Jack?

Jack : A baby us, Jill. We'll raise it wild,
like a squirrel or something.

The two cats lean against the wall after Peeking and saw a green glowing box coming from Jack hand , it amazed Puss and almost amazed teo but still doubtful of the magic beans

Puss in boots : Holy frijoles! They do exist.

Teo the cat : and we're gonna get them dad together

Puss then pop his claws and slide the glass to his size and retract , he gently kick the slice glass and grab it before it hit the ground, he step in first while teo stand behind him , then they both heard a window sliding up and saw a black cat with black mask and a cape

Teo the cat : (half whisper) uhhh who this guy

Puss In boots : (half whisper) Hey! What gives?

The black cat look at them and give a hiss at the two cats, and went in without giving them a answer on why "he" here there , the black cat was sneaking "his" way in the corner , this made Puss panic and went in the room

Puss in boot : (half whisper) No! No! No!

Teo the cat : (half whisper) dad wait up !

Teo fellow his dad and both lean against the wall and look at the black cat , while Puss wanting the black cat to stop

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