Welcome to San Ricardo

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The next day after teo was pass out from last night , he heard muffled voice and see blurry figures around him as he regain to open his eyes sight , then he can heard the figure on what their saying

??? : is he a ok ?

??? : why is he wearing boots , do people make boots for cats ?

??? : shut up , I think he waking up

Then his eyes regain his sight again, teo saw around himself that the figure was just children's , the first thing that teo did was freak out

Teo the cat : AH !

He fall forward off his bed and crawl back to the corner in fear, he doesn't know where he is or why these children's was staring at him , teo calm down and stop panicking

Teo the cat : hello...uh...kids...

Orphan boy : hi , are you ok ?

Teo the cat : i...um I think so ? Wh-why were you guys looking at me like that ?

Orphan girl : ask him what his name is

Orphan  boy 2 : and how come he wearing boots ?

Orphan boy 3 : did his parents drop him off because he was ugly ?

One of the other kids smack the third  orphan boy in the head , teo then got up and wipe himself off from the dust on the floor , he look down to see if he got everything on him

Teo the cat : well...I'm teo..teo the cat , and why I wear boots cause my dad give me these boots because I earn them from my training when I was a kitten , and no i wasn't drop off because I was ugly , I was.....I was...wait Um where am I ? What is this place ??? I was at the desert...and got pass out...how I ended up here ????

Orphan girl : don't worry teo , relax , your just at San Ricardo orphanage with señora Imelda, she took you in this morning

Teo then remember those two words that felt familiar to him , he think back on the other night ago where his father backstory to him and...Kitty softapaws , he remember this orphanage is the same place where his father was raise and become friends with..humpty, and also remember that name "Imelda" , He remember that it was puss's mother when he was a kitten at the orphanage, then he stop for second and have to be sure if he heard the name of the city correctly

Teo the cat : what you say this place was ? San Ricardo...right

Orphan girl : si this is san Ricardo

Teo was shock that he is in the place where his father was raise and at his hometown, but then he realizes from last night when Kitty was warning him earlier that humpty is going to set a trap for him , and he need to warn his father...somewhere

Teo the cat : oh my g-dad....I-need to warn my dad before something happen to him

Orphan girl 2 : what how ? You said the last time you were at the desert, you don't even know where he is ?

Orphan boy 2 : and if your father is an outlaw , the guards might already arrest him...maybe ?

Orphan boy 3 : you wasn't an orphan the whole time  ?

One of the orphans again smack the third orphan boy in the head , teo roll his eyes at that response , he look at a blanket next to him if he was got caught by humpty or the guards....or kitty , so he grab the blanket and put it above his head and jump toward at the edge of the window

Teo the cat : I have to try , he the only family I got....but gracias and if you can...tell señora Imelda that she raise a good son...and what wonderful mother she is to took me in

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