Prologue 2/2

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8 Years later

Teo the cat : Through the years, my dad been known by many names.

The two cats stand still as they stare at the distant

Teo the cat : Diablo Gato , The Furry Lover, Chupacabra ,Friskie Two-Times...And the Ginger Hit Man

Teo cover his mouth from laughter and remain back to keeping a straight face as he look up at his father and continue looking at the distant , while puss show a smirk slowy

Teo the cat : But to most... He is Puss In Boots! Outlaw

It then show a wanted poster of puss in boots with the knife stab at the wood table , a man was sleeping on the bed while his right wrist is chain with a metal cat cage , it pan over a white Persian cat resting on the red pillow , she gently kick a green ball of yarn and pass over the hat with yellow feather

Then the hat was pick up by puss , as he straps on his belt , put on his black cape and fox his yellow feather on his hat , he look down at the white Persian cat

Puss in boots : I will never forget you...Margherita

The white Persian cat look up at puss and meow forgetting her name

Puss In boots : I mean, Rosa heheh...Sorry I think maybe I should go

The White Persian cat went back to resting , Puss walk towards to teo who is searching in the box , he tap teo in the shoulder

Teo the cat : (whisper) oh dad , is it time to go ? I haven't find what you were looking for

Puss in boots : it ok teo , we'll just find someplace else of what we're looking f-

After finishing his sentence they both heard a silent ding from the man sleeping in the bed and saw a ring from his finger , they both smirk of finding that ring

Puss gently took off the man ring off and put the ring in his left arm , Puss grab his boots to leave and the two cats try to sneak away till teo step on a Squeak wooden floor , and they both stop

Teo the cat : oops...sorry dad

The man was awake have armed himself a weapon , Puss look over to his adopted son was about to get attack teo , Puss draw out his sword to protect his son , teo fall backwards to the ground and watch his father deflecting the man weapon

Teo look around the room to see to help his dad till he saw the green yarn and decided to wrap around the place to slow the attacker down so he and his dad can escape , while his dad was sword fighting and saw him spinning in the air and landed at the furniture and Dodge the metal cage , after teo was done tying the yarn he run after to his dad , a knife was thrown and hit the door , Puss and his son jump at a near window from above

The man throw one boots at Puss,  missing him he laugh for missing him but another boots was thrown hitting him and fall off the window , teo give a friendly wave and jump down from the window , the man then got trip over the yarn by teo , he went to the door as he see the two cats running

The man : You cannot run forever, including your little runt !!! Puss In Boots!

The white Persian cat walk where her owner is and sat down , and give a romantic sigh for seeing puss go , while running puss give out two air kiss to white Persian cat , as teo gag for his dad showing loving to the female cat

Teo the cat : What can I say? My dad was a bad kitty , especially me for a young age , Just a fugitive from the law...forever running. Searching for a way to clear my dad name ,And We would get that chance , ...on this one fateful night...that will change everything....

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