Steal and escape with the golden goose 2/2

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After discussing on talking or leave the golden goose where it is , they both decided to take her with them , with kitty holding the goose the others didn't look back as the the great terror was coming after them , they then got on the rope line and Started to climb and we're almost there to the other side while teo was holding on to his father back

Humpty Dumpty : Almost there!

But that was stop when a giant log land on the rope and cause it to move the giant bottle to move at the cliff making the tree cats ,the egg and the golden goose to fall

Humpty Dumpty :  Hang on!

Teo the cat :  daaaaa-AHHHHHH !!!!!

They both fall down to the ground and land down to the beanstalk vines and both slide down in high speed , teo was trying to grab his father paws  , Puss saw his adopted son trying to grab his paws

Teo the cat : DAAAAD !!!


Before they grab each others paws , the three cats and golden goose slide off the vines, Puss landed on the ground and kitty land on top of him and teo land beside them and the golden goose land on top of puss and kitty

Puss in boots : Ow!

Humpty slide down at the vines and landed safely , the golden goose got off of puss and kitty walk to the side , teo shake his head and look to his side and saw kitty laying on puss lap and let out a giggle , but they both got up and puss went over to teo making sure he ok

Puss in boots : teo , are you ok ??? Nothing broken ???

Teo the cat : yeah dad I'm fine , but that landing was rough tho , we're definitely need to work on our landing when this is over

Puss in boots : your not wrong about that teo

They both smile but that ended when they heard the great Terror roar they both saw it moving around and couldn't see where it went , then they heard a huge splash from behind them

Puss In boots : It's coming!

Humpty Dumpty : Run!

Teo the cat : man this terror really doesn't want that baby goose to leave !

The three cats and the egg started running again as Puss carry the golden goose on his shoulder , everything was coming down to the ground as they run as fast as they can , teo was trying to catch up while Kitty saw teo was struggling to keep up , she grab him and put him in front of her and continue running

Kitty then look behind her and what she saw made her gasp , before she got the Chance to face forward a branch shove kitty over almost to the edge and hold on to the vines , teo look behind and saw Kitty struggling to climb up , he stop and tug his father elbow , he turn and stop running and saw his adopted son , teo point to Kitty direction still struggling to climb up

Puss in boots : Kitty!

Kitty try to lift herself up but she was almost sliding off , Puss throw over the golden goose off his shoulder and ran quickly towards Kitty as teo following him , fearing of losing her

Humpty Dumpty : What are you doing !?

Teo the cat : saving kitty !!! Hang on kitty we're almost -

Before teo finish his sentence Kitty lost her grip to the vines and slide off to the water and splash into the water

Kitty softpaws : AHHH !

Teo the cat : MOM !!!!!

Puss and teo then dives into the water and grab kitty and swim back up into the surface, the two cats swim to the breach that seem like it'll hold the three of them , while the other side humpty was in the water with his floatable golden  suit

Teo the cat : mo-err Kitty you ok ?

Kitty softpas : (panting) yeah....I'm fine

They smile at each other and then saw what made them gasp was whirling pool ending the smile and replacing it with fear

Puss in boots : Hang on!

The three cats then paddle at the water to make them faster , while humpty was swimming towards to the golden goose

Humpty Dumpty : Come here, you !

Teo look at humpty chasing after the golden goose and catch it before entering the whirling pool , teo started to think on why humpty want the golden goose so badly

he know that he been studying for the beanstalk for his entire life including the golden eggs and goose...but was it was really worth taking her , but he put that mind to rest as teo saw the great terror coming towards, Puss grab his hat and put it on his head

Humpty Dumpty : She's mine now!

They both enter in the whirlpool and letting out a scream , the terror then peek at the whirlpool and roar at them , the three cats , the eggs and the golden goose was out of the giant castle , but got smack into the beanstalk fall down and fall to the sky's ,the golden goose was trying to fly but got grab by humpty

Humpty Dumpty : Hello!

Then they began to fall down , as they were falling to their death , teo was terrified of falling from this high , and wasn't thrill on falling again to the ground in one day

Teo the cat : NOT AGAIN !!!!!!!

As he was trying to look around to hold on something ,but due to amount of speed he couldn't really hold on to anything, then he felt someone grab him , he look up and saw Kitty holding close to him

Teo the cat : KITTY !!!

Kitty softpaws : I got you kid , hold on to my back tightly

Teo climb on kitty back and hold on as she said , Kitty then slice off the leaf and dive in to save humpty , back to humpty , he was panicking for falling to the ground as humpty trying to flap the golden goose wings

Humpty Dumpty : Oh, no! Fly, little gosling, fly!

At a far distance humpty was screaming with echoes as they were slowing in pov and went back to normal

Humpty Dumpty : No! It's not supposed to be this way! AHHHH !!

Kitty dive toward at humpty and grab humpty ankle, he  look up on who it was , teo smile down  at humpty

Humpty Dumpty : Puss?!

Kitty softpaws : No

She pull out a leaf and slightly lift them up making it as a parachute, they both sigh in relief till they heard a whistle and look up , it was puss who have the same idea with kitty

Puss In boots : HA-HA-HA !

Teo the cat : WAIT NO !! DAD WAIT!!!

Instead of stoping in high speed , he slam into them , letting both of the leaf go , at a pov they continue slowly falling and humpty screaming Again

Puss in boots : Uh... I'm sorry (chuckles)

Teo the cat : "way to go dad" I'm saying that sarcastically since we're falling to our death...again

As kitty and teo was staring angrily at Puss , Kitty then slice another leafs and both grab it and also grab hunpty legs and went up in the air , they was laughing and cheering as they were flying down and admired the view , Kitty then slide leaf and make puss slide into Kitty shoulder and the two cats stare at each other as kitty smile

Kitty softpas : Thanks, Ginger.

Puss smile and nod at her , teo smile at them for getting really close to being together , then Kitty look at teo on her right

Kitty softpaws : you too teo....thank you both for saving me

Teo the cat :  your welcome...Kitty

Teo look away as he smiling , he couldn't stop smiling after everything that happened, he wonder if kitty will be with his father after this is over , Kitty may be the only woman in the group but teo see kitty as her mother, as they were gently flying away humpty look at the beanstalk as they flew off

Humpty Dumpty : Um, we should maybe cut that down

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