Saving San Ricardo

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After escaping from San ricardo prison with the help of kitty softpaws , puss and teo was climbing at the tower where the orphanage is at and where humpty and Puss become like brothers , teo was little concerned if humpty is in the tower as he climb along with his father

Teo the cat : (whisper) dad , are you sure that humpty is up there if we found him ?

Puss in boots : (whisper) I'm sure teo , me and that rotten egg use to come up here and become brothers....

As they were climbing teo think back on the story where puss meet humpty and how that they were best of friends on searching for magic bean when they were little , till humpty trick his father and ruin that bond forever , teo think back on the day he met him and felt sorry for him untill once again they get trick and betrayed just for a revenge on that stupid bridge

Teo the cat : (whisper) I'm mad at that eggs for lying to us and thinking he was on our side to get the golden eggs and pay back san Ricardo with it...

Puss in boots : (whisper) I understand that your anger teo , I'm anger too , but I need to know more on why humpty steal the golden goose and have her mother who would be here any minute to destroy my home and everyone in it

Teo the cat : (whisper) that our plan ? Just climb in there and see devil egg and say to him "hey humpty , didn't expect to see us again? Oh by the way why did you betray my dad and kidnap a baby goose that will surely anger the mother and come here and destroy the freaking town" please...his action explain perfectly clear

After they reach to the top of tower and lift themselves on the edge , the two cats sneak at the corner just in case of humpty is here , Puss poke his head at the side and saw him with the golden goose , he lean back to the wall

Puss look at his adopted son and give him a quick nod that humpty is there , teo nod back at his father, before they enter in puss rest his paw on teo shoulder and teo look at his father eyes

Puss in boots : (whisper) just trust me , you have a right to be upset am I to , but I need to know why he would do this to destroy san Ricardo , I understand revenge on the bridge, but everyone else in it I have to know why

Teo know his father is right , he can be upset on humpty all he want...he alway supported him
along the way , but deep down he want answers too on why letting the great terror to search and destroy ricardo with everyone in it especially with puss mother and the orphanages

Teo the cat : (whisper) ok dad I trust you

Puss in boots : (whisper) I know you do , be ready for anything

Teo the cat : (whisper) I always do

Before they enter in Puss pull out his sword and teo pull out his dagger , Puss look down on teo with a dagger still not approving on him having a weapon but get use to it for while , he give a smile to teo and enter the tower with humpty and the golden goose

Humpty Dumpty : Come on, sweetie...Let's, uh, get out of here before Mama shows up.

Then Puss point his sword at humpty nose and both scared then with teo pointing his dagger at humpty and give him a angry look to him

Puss in boots : I should make you into an egg salad sandwich!

Teo the cat : and maybe feed to the terror with it !

Humpty Dumpty : That is disgusting !! and when did you have a dagger teo !?

Teo the cat : that none of your business egg

Puss in boots : Give us the goose

Humpty Dumpty : No can do, I'm afraid , See, the mama's on her way, and when she gets here, it's bye-bye San Ricardo and everything you ever cared about!

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