First kiss

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*at Tim's apartment they are drinking and taking together what happens if they tell each other they they both broke up with Ashley and Chris will something happen

Tim : so how's is going with Chris
Lucy : we broke up how are you and Ashley
Tim : we uh broke up
Lucy : I'm sorry
Tim : it's okay we both agreed it wasn't gonna a work she think's something was going on between us
Lucy : is it because that date we went on a couple of weeks ago
Tim : yea
Lucy: we work together we ride together
Tim : why did Chris break up with you
Lucy : actually I broke up with him
Tim : oh
Lucy : Chris thinks we have feelings for each other too
Tim : and do you think he's right
Lucy : yea I do when I saw you go on one knee to Ashley couple weeks ago it broke my heart
Tim : I'm sorry it was meant to be a prank Lucy what is this
Lucy : I have no idea what this is we have to decide together
Tim *leans in and kisses her softly
Lucy * I kiss him back I put my hands on his cheek
Tim * slowly pull back: I've wanted to do that I finally did
Lucy : yea we did *we kiss again

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