Lucy asks her dad to give walk her down the aisle

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Lucy *heads to her fathers house she still isn't taking to her mother she is sending her invitation her and Tim are still doing invitations they will be out in a week

Lucy *knocks on door
Mr Chen *shuts door : sweetheart come on in
Lucy *walks in : hi dad how are you
Mr Chen : I'm good darling what are you doing here
Lucy *sits down : dad as you know me and Tim are getting married in a couple of months and I was wondering if you will give me away to Tim
Mr Chen ; oh darling of course I will come here
Lucy *gets up and hugs her dad : dad I am inviting mom if she comes she comes if she doesn't turn up then it won't bother me
Mr Chen : that's good sweetie she will have to turn up because at the end of the day your her daughter *kisses her cheek
Lucy : yes I know anyway I've got to go me and Tim are doing invitations
Mr Chen : okay darling love you
Lucy : love you too dad *opens door and leaves opens car door starts engine and drives off

* the next story will be Tim and Lucy doing the invitations

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