I think caleb put something in my drink

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*what if in this story Lucy called Tim when Caleb put something in Lucy's drink

Caleb *puts something in Lucy's drink
Lucy *drink it
Caleb : so tell me about yourself
Lucy : well I'm a cop my parents don't really like I'm a cop I live with my roommate what about you
Caleb : well live with my friend I go to work every day and that's it
Lucy : cool *drinks drink Lucy feels dizzy
Caleb : want Another
Lucy : uh sure
Caleb *goes to the bar
Lucy *feels dizzy has he put something in my drink oh god okay what to do then Tim's voice pops in my head focus boot she grabs her phone dials Tim's number
Tim : boot thought you were out drinking with Caleb
Lucy *goes quiet
Tim : boot Lucy
Lucy : I I Think Caleb's put something in my drink
Tim : okay stay calm you at the bar where Jackson and Nolan take you right
Lucy : yes Tim what am l gonna do
Tim : okay I need you to stay calm try to keep him there I'll be there I'm gonna call back up I promise
Lucy : okay
Caleb *grabs the phone: who was that
Lucy : uh it was Tim he was checking on me I should probably go to the bathroom *gets up and tries to go to the bathroom

Tim *grabs phone gets in the car and calls it : dispatch officer Tim Bradford badge number 34831 need back up at dragon bar officer drink been spiked officer Lucy chen in trouble
Man : copy that back up on the way
*Tim drives to the bar quick

*meanwhile with Lucy

Caleb *lets go home grabs her hand and goes outside
Lucy *goes to get her phone
Caleb *grabs it goes to his boot
Lucy *tries to get away
Caleb *grabs her fighting her to get in the boot
Lucy *hits him trying to get free of him
Police *cars some
Tim *runs sees Lucy fighting Lucy : LAPD hands where I can see them now
Caleb *puts hands up : you're not gonna get away with this
Lucy : I just did * she collapsed on the floor
Tim : cuff him west
Jackson *cuffs him : you have a right to stay silent
Tim *goes to Lucy : boot you okay
Lucy *puts head on shoulder
Tim : you're okay
Lucy : why me
Tim : I don't know come on let's get you checked out at the hospital

*Tim drove her to the hospital

Tim : my friend here has been spiked and hurt
Grace : Tim hey Lucy right this way
Lucy *follows her goes on the bed
Grace *puts something in her arm so the spike gets away
Tim : she gonna be ok
Grace : yea she's gonna be ok you are Lucky you got there in time something could have happen like kidnapped and anything bad
Tim : yea I know she called me
Grace : you've got a clever rookie
Tim : I know I do

* Lucy got send home Tim let Lucy stay with him

*Lucy in Tim's bed
Tim *wipes the cut on her head goes to walk away
Lucy *grabs his wrist: stay till I fall asleep
Tim *turns around : yea sure *throws the wipe in the bin goes to the other side of Lucy
Lucy *turns around and cuddles into him
Tim *lets her do it puts arms around her : goodnight Lucy got you probably won't hear this but I love you not as a friend as romantically
*but didn't Tim know Lucy heard it
Lucy : I love you too * she falls asleep
Tim *smiles and falls asleep with Lucy in his arms

* hope you liked this story

* is anyone else missing the rookie because season 5 has ended I'm excited to see season 6

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