Part 1 / jackson caught tim and lucy

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* what if instead of Tamara waking in on Tim and Lucy kissing it was Jackson and he is still alive in this story

Tim : if we have to make this work our back story has to be good
Lucy : agreed *gives him a beer
Tim *grabs it and sips the beer
Lucy : okay so how did Din and juicy meet
Tim : at a barbecue
Lucy : mm no that's lame
Tim : really think you can do better
Lucy *puts beer on the table: watch me okay so um you were on the run from the cops a bank robbery gone wrong you ended up in my building frantic looking for a place to hide and and I opened the door for you I lied to the cops for you and and it got me so hot we hooked up while they were still searching the building
Tim *looks shocked : okay that that that's pretty good actually
Lucy : thank you
Tim : mm so Look we should probably you know, talk about the elephant in the room
Lucy : mm
Tim : you know cause I if we're gonna sell that we are you know actually boyfriend and girlfriend me might have to uh you know
Lucy *looks at him she knows what he's taking about I think it's cute he's nervous to say it : have to what
Tim : we might have to do you
Lucy : okay okay we might have to do PDA
Tim : you know forget it
Lucy : no no okay you're right yeah you're right I mean. If we're gonna kiss it probably shouldn't be our first time
Tim : that's what I'm saying
Lucy : right yeah should we uh maybe stand
Tim : yea I think we should stand *puts beer down and stands
Lucy *stands up looks at him : uh good uh no
Tim : oh you know what if we're not gonna act like professionals let's just get this done with
Lucy : wow that's romantic
Tim : I'm not trying to be romantic
Lucy : well you're succeeding sorry sorry okay okay yeah hold on just yes good
Tim : take your time
Lucy : yeah I'm good mm yep *looks at him : i yes I'm ready
Tim : okay *gives her a peck on the lips
Lucy : I I'm sorry is that it
Tim : you know what if you're gonna criticise me
Lucy *puts hands on his cheek  and kisses him passionately sucks on his lips
Tim *kisses back
Lucy *puts hands on his chest
Tim *puts his hands on her shoulders
Jackson *unlocks door : uh
Lucy *pulls away
Tim *pulls away
Lucy : oh
Jackson: thought you was doing undercover work I should probably go leave you do it
Lucy : no this is work
Tim : we're practicing going undercover
Jackson : it's cool don't have to explain yourself to me but I should probably go
Tim : no I was about to leave *goes to grab something: I don't have anything I'll see you tomorrow
Lucy : good work tonight *oh god why would I say that
Tim : great work as well bye west *closes door
Jackson : great work tonight really
Lucy : I'm gonna head *points to my room
Jackson: no you're not we're gonna talk about what just happened *goes to get beer sits on the couch: talk
Lucy : it was nothing we we're practicing
Jackson : and that you had to do it making out
Lucy : it's no big deal basic Biology
Jackson: you sure about that I've seen the way you look at him and he looks at you tell me you don't have feelings for him
Lucy : he's with Ashley
Jackson: true not what I asked
Lucy : and what if I did can't change anything he's with Ashley he's happy
Jackson : they have nothing in common Tim doesn't like the beach the ocean you and Tim have a lot in common your both cops you both like top chef you guys like the same food like sea bass come on tell me you don't have feelings for Tim
Lucy : okay I do have feelings for him
Jackson : exactly
Lucy : probably should head to bed gonna be a long day tomorrow

*they both go to bed

Part 2 coming soon

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