Baby talk to me

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* Lucy has been having nightmares of Caleb all over again she doesn't know why Rosalind is dead and she's free from her but Lucy keeps having them she's kidding them from Tim

Lucy *wakes up from the nightmare looks to her boyfriend he's okay she lays back down she puts an arm around him
Tim *puts arm around her : why you awake so early
Lucy : uh I couldn't sleep babe that's all
Tim : come here *opens his arms for her
Lucy *puts head on his chest and cuddles into him
Tim : you can talk to me you know
Lucy : I know let's get some sleep it's 3am couple more hours
Tim: yea baby
*they fall asleep

*the next morning they get showered and gets dressed and head to the station

*at the station

*Lucy goes in her locker room and gets changed into her uniform

*Tim goes in his locker room and changes into his metro uniform

*in the roll room

Grey : okay we have no calls today midnight shift did them all so detective nyla is gonna be with detective Lopez today so can you officer Chen be riding with Aaron today
Lucy *stares into space
Grey : officer Chen
Tim *goes to her : baby
Lucy : mm uh yea of course
Grey : okay so be safe out there

*Aaron  gets the gear puts them in the boot of the shop

*Lucy drives

*their shift been normal arresting people for stealing and drinking

*at the station Tim is worried about his girlfriend

Angela : Tim we've got the suspect
Tim *was too busy thinking to notice Angela
Angela : Timothy
Tim : uh what
Angela : we've got the suspect
Tim : yea let's uh go
Angela : what's wrong
Tim : nothing
Angela : I know you
Tim : it's Lucy I'm worried about her she woke up around 3am last night I don't know what's going on with her
Angela : it's alright to be worried about Lucy but should talk to her
Tim *nods  grabs his phone
Angela : not now I mean tonight
Tim : oh yea *puts phone back in pocket they go to the suspect talk to him

*it was end of shift and Lucy was in the locker room changes into her clothes and grabs her bag and heads out to the station waits by Tim's truck

Tim *changes out of his metro uniform and grabs his bag and heads out leaves the station goes to his truck to see his girlfriend: hey baby
Lucy : hey
Tim *unlocks car
Lucy *gets in puts bag on the floor by her feet
Tim *gets in puts his bag in the back Of the car and drives to the bed apartment

*at the apartment

*Tim & Lucy walk upstairs and opens the apartment door and then closes it Behind them

Lucy *changes into some shorts and one of Tim's T-shirt goes to the sofa and puts the tv on presses top chef waits for Tim
Tim *changes into pants and a T-shirt and heads to the sofa presses play
Lucy *needs to talk to someone : Tim
Tim : yea baby
Lucy : I need to talk to you about last night
Tim *pauses top chef
Lucy : I had a nightmare it was
Tim : talk to me baby
Lucy : it was a nightmare about Caleb I thought I was over it but it came back
Tim *wraps his arms around her  pulls her into his chest
Lucy *puts head in his chest
Tim : he can't hurt you no more baby I'm here with you he's gone we are in this together I love you baby
Lucy : I love you too

*they cuddled and watched top chef till they fell asleep

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