Drunk Lucy

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*Lucy went out with harper and Angela they went out on a girls night

Angela *gets Lucy out of the car and knocks on Tim's door
Tim *sees the Time it's 1am he gets up answers it sees his best friend and his girlfriend
Angela : she's drunk *hands him Lucy
Lucy *puts arms around his neck : I .... Had tequila
Tim : oh did you ang you know what that does to her
Angela : we had a girls night anyway I've got to go have fun *leaves

*inside the house

Tim *closes door and walks into the bedroom puts Lucy on the bed : baby here *puts clothes on the bed
Lucy *changes into the clothes
Tim *takes off T-shirt
Lucy *gets in the bed : you're cute I love you
Tim : I love you too my beautiful girlfriend
Lucy *giggles lays head in his chest
Tim *wraps arms around her : sleep well baby
Lucy *falls asleep
Tim *smiles and he knows tomorrow Lucy is gonna have a hangover so than god it's the weekend closes his eyes and falls asleep with Lucy in his arms and Kojo in his bed

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