I can't lose you luce

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Lucy : stop put your hands up now * I say pointing the gun
Man : or what you gonna shot
Lucy : I'm not gonna ask again
Man *puts his hands up he knows there's nowhere escape but his girl is in the other room
Woman *grabs gun and shoots her
Aaron *runs in as I heard a gun go off : hands where I can see them oh my god * I run to Lucy then grabs radio : 7-100-19 officer down we need ambulance at our location I repeat officer down officer Chen has been shot Lucy I need you to stay with me okay keep your eyes open
Lucy : tell him I I
Aaron : Lucy keep your eyes open you will tell Tim when you wake up okay
Ambulance *pulls up : coming through what's her name
Aaron : Lucy
Ambulance: okay lucy we are just gonna put you on this bed okay *pulls her on the bed and puts her in the ambulance in the back : you ridding with her
Aaron : I'll meet you guys at the hospital
Ambulance: okay

* meanwhile at the station grey tells Tim about Lucy

Grey : sorry could I just borrow Tim for a minute *we walk away from them we walk inside my office
Tim : everything okay sir
Grey: Tim there was a incident with Lucy
Tim : what is she okay
Grey : she was shot Tim you need to get the hospital now Tim I'll tell them you have a family emergency go
Tim : yea thanks sir *opens door and runs outside to his car opens his truck turns on engine and drives off to the hospital

*at the hospital

Ambulance man : Female woman shot in he shoulder need to get her to surgery right away now
Grace : okay thanks
Aaron : is she gonna be okay
Grace : I don't know right now I have to do surgery please wait in the waiting room * I run to surgery

2 minutes later

Tim : I'm looking for an Lucy Chen
Aaron : Sergeant
Tim : is she okay
Aaron : no news we just wait
Angela : Tim
Tim : hey *I hug her
Angela : she in surgery
Tim : yeah they aren't giving me any news
Grace : Lucy Chen family
Tim : yea I'm her boyfriend
Grace : the bullet was in less than an hour her heartbeat stoped but luckily it came back she'll have a scar when it healed she's very lucky to be alive sergeant Bradford
Tim : oh god thank you so much can I see her
Grace ; of course I'll have one of our nurses take you to Lucy's room
*nurse takes Tim to Lucy's room

Tim *holds Lucy's hand : hey luce it's me I don't know if you can hear me or not so I'll talk everyone is here outside in the waiting room Angela Aaron Tamara is on her way Nolan and Bailey are coming luce I need you to wake up I can't lose you baby I can't I won't I need you to fight keeep fighting do not die please baby don't *I cry
Lucy *I open my eyes I turn my head to see Tim crying : T. Tim
Tim *looks up : baby you're okay oh my
Lucy : I'm okay babe I'm okay what happened
Tim : you were shot don't you remember
Lucy : oh yea sorry my head hurts
Tim : it'll be there for a couple of minutes you hit your head quite hard
Lucy : Tim I love you
Tim : I love you too I thought I was gonna lose you luce
Lucy : hey I'm a fighter like you said don't give up
Tim * stands up and kisses her
Lucy *kisses him back and pulls away
Tim *sits down and holds her hand

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