Baby it's okay to be sad

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*in this story  is the anniversary of Jackson death

Lucy *wakes up her phone beeps it's Nolan
Nolan - hope your okay Luce maybe we could see Jackson together
Lucy *sees the message  puts her phone on the side of her bed

*Lucy stayed in bed all day she phoned in sick she told Tim she had a fever and was sick she didn't want to see anybody because she's a mess because of her crying her eyes are red from crying all she wants is Jackson for walk through that door and say something

*meanwhile at the station

Nolan : hey Tim
Tim : hey what's up
Nolan : how's Lucy
Tim : she's okay I'm gonna go get her medicine later and some soup
Nolan : I don't think that will help she's struggling without him Tim
Tim : uh what are you talking about
Nolan : uh what was you thinking about
Tim : Lucy is sick
Nolan : oh I'm gonna go
Tim : Nolan
Nolan : today is Wednesday
Tim : yea
Nolan : it's the date of when Jackson died
Tim : oh my god why didn't she tell me I've got to go *runs out the station and goes to Lucy's apartment

*at the apartment

Tim *unlocks door and shuts it opens bedroom door sees his girlfriend in bed sleeping goes to his side gets in puts arm around her
Lucy *starts to wake up sees Tim next to her : Tim babe what are you doing here
Tim : baby Nolan told me what today is why didn't you tell me
Lucy : I didn't want to tell you my problems
Tim : baby I'm gonna be here for you I love you baby and baby it's okay to be sad it's about grief and when your sad I'll be here to comfort you okay
Lucy *nods and starts crying into his chest
Tim *wraps arms around her
Lucy *fell asleep in his arms
Tim *kisses her forehead: I love you baby *I fell asleep with my girl in my arms

* hope you liked this chapter sorry I haven't updated on this one shots I've been updating on best friends to lover and the stalker story

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