Luce baby stay with me

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*what if in 5x22 Lucy got stabbed when the guy in the mask stabbed her will she be okay

Lucy *shoots gun
Tim *shoots gun : my gun all empty
Lucy *shoots guy : same
Tim *grabs something from his pocket
Man 1*grabs Tim
Tim *puts him against the wall
Man 2 *grabs Lucy punches her
Lucy *fights back
Man 1 *grabs Tim face
Tim *puts something in his face and sprays it
Man 1 *groans in pain
Man 2 *stabs her
Lucy *groans
Tim *punches him and then goes over to Lucy punches the guy on him
Harped *shots the guy who was gonna tackle Tim
Tim *looks at her she's Been stabbed I grab her waist
Nolan *opens door
Tim & Lucy walks in
Nolan *shuts the door and locks it
Tim : Nolan she's been stabbed
Nolan *grabs radio : got Bradford and Chen they are save we need a ambulance at our location officer down officer Chen has been stabbed
Lucy *groans in pain : sun of a
Tim : Luce baby I need you to stay with me okay
Bailey *runs in there puts her on the bed wheels the bed out to the ambulance
Tim : Nolan drive the shop *chucks keys at him
Nolan *catches the keys : yea sure got it

* in the ambulance

Lucy *eyes was nearly closing she was struggling to keep her eyes open
Bailey : Lucy were nearly at the hospital I need you to try to keep your eyes open try to think about happy thoughts
Tim : baby think about me think about Tamara
Lucy : you need to c..a..l..l her
Tim : I will baby I promise

* they pull up at the hospital

*they go in the hospital

Bailey : female officer down stabbed in the stomach we've put pressure to keep her awake we've trying so hard to keep her awake
Grace : guys take her to surgery okay thank you sergeant Bradford could you wait in the waiting room
Tim : yea sure *he waits he promised he call Tamara

*grey Nolan Luna Bailey waited with him

Tim *was waking up and down
Nolan : have you called Tamara
Tim : No should I
Nolan : I think you do she needs to know
Tim *nods grabs his phone from his pocket and dials Tamara number
Tamara - Tim everything ok
Tim - hi I'm not bothering you am I
Tamara : no I was just heading back to the apartment
Tim : any chance you could come to the hospital
Tamara : of course why
Tim : it's Lucy
Tamara : see you in 30
Tim : see you in a few minutes

* couple minutes later Tamara walk in the hospital

Tamara : Tim
Tim *gets up heads to her hugs her
Tamara : any news
Tim : no she's in surgery *removes form the hug
Tamara *hugs Nolan then sits down
Grace : Tim Bradford
Tim : yea
Grace : we had to do stitches into her stomach Lucy she's alive
Tim : can I see her
Grace : yes room 7

*Tim walks to the room she's in opens door then shuts it walks to the chair and sits down

*couple hours later

Lucy *groans :
Tim : baby
Lucy *opens her eyes turns her head to look at him : mm
Tim : oh than god *gets up kisses her forehead
Lucy : is Aaron okay
Tim : he'll be okay baby I'm glad your okay
Lucy : yea I thought I was gonna die
Tim : hey we're in this together and I wasn't gonna let that happen
Tamara *walks in : Lucy
Lucy *sees Tamara : you called her
Tim : I keep my promises baby
Lucy : you ok tam
Tamara : yea I was on my way to the apartment then Tim called me your lucky your alive
Lucy : I know
Tamara *hugs her
Lucy *hugs back
Tamara : I'm gonna grab a sandwich want anything
Lucy : no I'm good
Tim : no I'm good
Tamara *walks out
Lucy : babe
Tim : yea baby
Lucy : and I have my cuddles please
Tim : of course baby *gets in the bed puts arms around her
Lucy *puts head on his chest and cuddles into him
Tim : god I love you beautiful
Lucy *hears him : I love you too handsome
Tim *smiles

*they slowly fall asleep

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