The baby's coming early

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Lucy was at the station she wasn't feeling good she got up then something she knew what that was she's in labour
Angela *sees the look at Lucy's walks over to her : Lucy you ok
Lucy : no I think I'm in labour
Angela : now
Lucy : Yess now ahhh *she screams she is having contractions : call Tim now
Angela *knew the pain as she had Jack she grabs her phone dials Tim's phone it calls it didn't answer : let's get you to the hospital I'll keep calling him

*she gets Lucy in the car drives to the hospital

3 minutes later she arrives parks the car

Angela : we need help she's in labour

Nurse : come with us *she puts Lucy in a wheelchair
Lucy : call Tim
Angela : I will
Nurse *puts her in a room and helps her get up : would you mind changing into this
Lucy : of course *she charges into the hospital clothes *gets in the bed
Nurse : if the contractions gets worse give us a shout
Lucy : ok

Mean while with Angela he wasn't answering she had no choice but to do it on the radio

Angela : 7 - 100 sergeant Tim Bradford do you copy
Tim : 7 100 I copy
Angela : I've been calling you
Tim : phone dead what's up
Angela : get to the hospital
Tim : what why
Angela : because you're wife is in labour
Tim : on my way * he drives and he goes to the hospital

Tim *runs in the hospital: my wife was brought in here in labour lucy Chen
Nurse : Tim
Tim : yes
Nurse : I have your wife she's in room 204
Tim : thank you *he runs down to room 204 enters the door then shuts it
Lucy : where the hell have you been ahhh
Tim *goes over to her shhh baby I'm right here phone was dead
Nurse *comes in : okay looks like your ready to push
Tim *grabs her hand
Nurse : okay push
Lucy *pushes and squeezes Tim's hand
Nurse : push harder Lucy
Lucy *pushes : ahhhhhh
Nurse : okay I see the head push 2 more times
Lucy *pushes and squeezes Tim's hand and screams : ahhh got this hurts
Nurse : okay one more time
Lucy : I can't
Tim : yes you can baby just one more push then this baby will be with us
Lucy : ok *grabs Tim's hand pushes on last time and screams : ahhhh god I'm never getting pregnant again
Nurse *grabs the baby and puts him grabbed in an towel
Tim : you did it baby *kisses her forehead
Nurse : congratulations you have a baby boy gives her to the mom
Lucy *holds the baby
Tim : welcome baby boy * I kiss his head then kisses Lucy's forehead

*everyone came to visit

Nolan : so do you have a name
Angela: yea do you
Harper : whatever it is he will be an amazing kid
Tamara : yea and he will have an amazing sister
Tim *laughs at Tamara
Lucy *laughs : yea we've decided on a do you wanna tell them
Tim : can I
Lucy: of course
Tim : the name is Noah Michael Bradford
Angela : awww that's so cute why Michael
Lucy : it's Jackson middle name
Nolan : of course it is think we might have another cop in the family
Tim : yea and whatever he is he will be amazing at
Lucy : yea he has your eyes and he'll have his moms looks
Tim *laughs puts arm around her and says : welcome to the world Noah Michael Bradford

Thanks for reading hope you liked this story if you want a part 2 let me know

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