Lucy i'm proud of you for standing up for yourself from your mom

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*lucy's mother wants to meet Tim but Lucy doesn't as she knows she will be unsupportive what will happen will she support them or will Lucy stand up for her and Tim's relationship we'll find out

Lucy *phone beeps
Mom - can we meet this Tim guy
Lucy - why
Mom - I would like to meet Tim Lucy the cafe at 5 tomorrow ok sweetie
Lucy - fine

*when Lucy got home lucy was in a mood all day at the station as her mother texts her she's nervous to tell Tim

Tim *unlocks door and walks in : Lucy
Lucy : yea I'm in the bathroom
Tim *puts backpack down on the floor closes door and walks in the bedroom and lays on the bed
Lucy *walks out of the bathroom: hey
Tim : hi
Lucy *goes to her side of the bed and lays down and cuddles into his chest
Tim : you want to talk about it
Lucy : talk about what babe
Tim : why you've been in a mood all day
Lucy : was It that obvious
Tim : I know when you sad mad and moody so talk to me baby
Lucy : I had a text message this morning from my mother Tim
Tim : ok
Lucy : she wants to meet you tomorrow at 5
Tim : oh baby why didn't you tell me
Lucy : because I know my mom she won't approve of us dating
Tim : Lucy we love each other and we are so in love with each other nobody can come between us baby so how about that cafe
Lucy : okay babe okay

*the next day

Lucy is getting ready to see her parents Lucy is nervous as her mom and dad are meeting Tim for the first time she didn't sleep at all last night so she's tried

Tim : baby you ready
Lucy : yea I'm ready *I get my phone and put it in my pocket grabs keys

*Tim & Lucy leave the apartment head to the cafe where they are meant to meet each other

*inside the cafe

Mrs Chen : Lucy
Lucy : mom where's dad
Mrs Chen : playing golf it's just me you want to tell me who this is
Lucy : uh ok uh yea sure mom with is Tim Bradford Tim this is my mom
Tim : hi mrs Chen pleasure to meet you
Mrs Chen : you too you both gonna sit or what
Lucy : yea mom *sits down
Tim *sits down
Mrs Chen : so how did you both meet
Lucy : uh work
Mrs Chen : so you're a police officer
Tim : I'm actually a sergeant
Mrs Chen : you're dating your boss Lucy that's not good for your career you should've come a therapist like I said
Lucy : mom it's not like that we
Mrs Chen : if your gonna say love each other that's nonsense you've told me you liked emmett you liked Chris and now your saying you like this guy everyone around you goes Lucy a bit like Jackson he died Lucy and you're acting like nothing happened
Lucy *couldn't hold it in anymore she shouts : Tim isn't like emmet or Chris he's the most loving person he cares for me he makes sure I'm okay everyday and at least someone loves me then you and no I don't act like nothing happened mom I miss Jackson every single day I even cry myself to sleep but you know what keeps me going this guy right here he told me whilst I cry while I have nightmares and when you said it was my fault that Jackson died Tim was at the house to comfort me he is the best boyfriend I could ask for if you excuse us we are going * I grab Tim's hand and we walks out to his truck I look at him I hug him
Tim : I'm proud of you baby
Lucy : for what babe
Tim ; Lucy I'm proud of you for standing up for yourself from your mom I love you baby and what she said about Jackson i know you miss him everyday but he's watching over you proud of you I know it hurts but I'm here to comfort you when you're sad or angry or want to punch someone I'll be by your side when you want to I love you baby
Lucy *puts head into his chest and cries : thank you I love you babe
Tim : I love you too

*hope you enjoy this story who's exited to see the next episode of the rookie I am and Isabelle is back

*hope you enjoy this story who's exited to see the next episode of the rookie I am and Isabelle is back

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I'm so exited to see the next episode 5x20 18th of April

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I'm so exited to see the next episode 5x20 18th of April

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