Baby you've got a fever you're sick

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*in this story Jackson is still alive

Lucy *throws up in the toilet flushes the toilet and doesn't think anything of it she brushes her teeth gets dressed grabs her keys and bag and phone and leaves the apartment heads to her car and drives to the station

*at the station

Lucy *walks in the station walks into her locker room and changes into her uniform
Angela *sees Lucy she looks pale: Luce you okay you look pale
Lucy : yea fine *heads out of the locker room and goes into the roll call room

*in the roll call room

Lucy *sits at the back next to Jackson
Jackson : you okay
Lucy : I ... yea good
Tim *was in the roll call room stands next to Sargent grey
Sargent grey : listen up everyone we have a missing kid his name is Noah last seen in a park wearing Spider-Man T-shirt and jumper and wearing red pants so I need officer Chen and officer west on this that okay
Jackson : yes sir
Lucy *wasn't feeling good she feels sick her vision was going I knew something wasn't right
Tim : Chen
Lucy : y.. yes sir
Sargent grey : okay that's all stay save out there
Jackson : let's go I'll get the gear
Lucy *nods she stands up leaves the room and she feels like she's gonna pass out she falls
Tim *catches her : baby you ok
Lucy : yes I need to go
Tim *grabs her hand sits her down on the chair
Lucy *sits down
Tim *feels her forehead : baby you've got a fever how couldn't you know
Lucy : I thought nothing of it
Tim : I'm telling Sargent grey you are sick and Angela will ride with west I'm staying with you till the fever goes down meet you in my truck
Lucy : but my car
Tim : I'll be here after your better okay
Lucy : okay *goes into the locker room changes out of her uniform grabs bag and leaves goes to Tim's truck

*Tim told Grey about Lucy he understood and told him to take this week of to look after her

Tim *unlocks car
Lucy *gets in the car and shuts it
Tim *gets in starts engine and drives to her apartment

*at the apartment

*Tim parks his car up and they walk up the apartment

Lucy*opens door and walks in
Tim *walks in shuts door
Lucy *puts bag down
Tim : get into bed baby I'm gonna make you a cold drink okay
Lucy : okay *walks in her room lays down on her bed
Tim *grabs a water puts ice into it she grabs a cloth puts water on it walks in puts the cloth on Lucy's forehead and puts the water on the side
Lucy : I need to go
Tim : where baby
Lucy : I need to find the kid *starts to get up
Tim *pulls her back on the bed : baby you have a fever you're sick lay down
Lucy : you stay
Tim : yes I'll stay with my girl
Lucy : okay *lays back down
Tim *puts cloth back on Lucy's forehead lays down next to her
Lucy *cuddles into him and falls asleep
Tim *phone vibrates it's Angela
Angela - we found the kid
Tim - thanks for letting me know
Angela - it's no problem how's Lucy
Tim - she's okay she's sleeping *sends picture of her sleeping in my chest
Angela - cute I'll leave you to it talk later
Tim - yea see you later

*Tim puts his phone down

Tim *kisses her forehead : sleep well baby *closes his eyes and falls asleep

*hope you liked this chapter

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