Honeymoon part 7

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Couple days later they were on their way home

Lucy *unlocks apartment door and walks in
Tim *walks in the apartment

Tim & Lucy do the dirty laundry they did it they put the tv on and catch up on 911 long star

*couple hours later

Tamara *walks in the apartment : Lucy Tim
Lucy : hey
Tim : hey
Tamara *closes door and hugs Lucy then Tim
Lucy *hugs back then let's her hug Tim
Tim *hugs back then removes from the hug
Tamara : so how was the honeymoon
Lucy : it was amazing you should've seen the pool and the beach amazing
Tamara : cool
Tim : yea it was amazing so what's been going on here
Tamara : literally nothing bored here
Lucy : so just all chill
Tamara : yea see you gotta do work *heads to her room and shuts it

Lucy & Tim *cuddle in bed they have had the best week with each other but tomorrow is back to work

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