// epilogue \\

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didn't expect this did ya 😏😂

*Sams POV*
I realized what was happening again as I pushed her off of me and moved back.

"What's wrong babe." She cooed and ran her finger down my arm.

"I'm dating Reese you know that." I said.

"I know that, doesn't mean I care." She said and giggled a bit. I rolled my eyes at her.

"she used to be cool until she became a fucking emo freak." She said. She did use to be really popular here until she changed and people started to hate her.

"Don't call her that." I said through my teeth. It always made me really angry when people said shit like that because she became "emo" and started listening to screamo is because she became depressed and suicidal.

"you know it's true." She said as I shook my head.

"Just stop talking I'm leaving." I said and grabbed my backpack and turned and walked away.

"No Sam, baby, wait." She plead as I just ignored her.

What is Reese saw it. Saw us kissing, Id feel like shit I don't want her to find out I don't want to be a horrible boyfriend for her. I just feel like I don't know her anymore since she became emo and I know she can't help it because it's how she's been feeling. She just isn't the same girl she used to be and things changed but I still love her because I still see a little bit of the old Reese.

I walked home and dropped my backpack off at my house and grabbed a pop tart then figured id go over to Reese's to see if she wants to hang out or something if she didn't see when I kissed myla sadly. I hate myself for it and I don't really know why I did it honestly.

I knocked on her door but she didn't answer so I knocked again, still no answer.

"I Know your home your lights are on." I mumbled as I tries opening et door and succeeded. I saw her backpack on the floor by the stairs as I walked up.

"babe where are you?" I asked as I once again got no reply. I saw the bathroom light was on so I went in to check if she was in there or something.

I turned the corner and I felt like I couldn't breathe. My whole world was just taken from me.

"Reese baby you gotta wake up please." I cries as I did CPR in hopes she'd wake up.

"Babe wake up!" I yelled through my tears. I picked up her limp blood covered hand and felt no pulse. I felt like everything just came crashing down around me. I was screaming at her to wake up, as if she could hear me and she's magically wake up fine.

I looked at her cut up bloody arms and the pills on the counter and felt like I was going to vomit. I thought she stoppes, she told me. I looked at her and layed my head on her chest and cried. cries till the point where I couldn't breathe cause I'm choking on my own tears as I smelled how she smelled knowing I'll never be able to smell it again.

I pulled out my phone and finally called 911 knowing they'd take her away and pronounce her dead. something I don't wanna hear. I love her so much and I don't know what I will do without her. I hate myself for doing this and being a shit boyfriend but I really do love her. That I know.

Later that night I came back to her house to pretend that she was still there that we were chilling in her room like usual. None of it felt real like it was some sick twisted nightmare. I looked ok her table
and saw a note labeled Sammy. I grabbed it with shaky hands and opened it and felt tears falling again knowing it's a suicide note.

Sammy, I don't know what to say. I'm not gonna lie what you did pushed me to do this but I love you so fucking much. You made this hard for me to do because I don't want to leave you. Sam please find another girl, someone who's stronger and put together. I was weak. Find someone prettier and better, someone who will be a better girlfriend. Do it for me I want you to move on from me and my death, I honestly don't know what to say. I just want to know why you did it. Why? Sam I love you so much. Remember when we were 13 and you accidentally kissed me then asked me out and I said yes? You were so happy. Think of the good memories and let them overpower because, god, I want nothing more but for you to be happy. Samuel John Pottorff you were honestly my first and last love and I can't thank you enough. I want you to be happy so go live your life, find an amazing girl and don't hold back because of me. Treat her like a queen. I'm not asking you to forget about me but I want you to move on from me.
I love you to the moon and back baby
Reese 4/15/11

Goddammit Reese why'd you do this to me. I don't want better your all I need. I sat on the floor shaking with my head in my hands crying. This is all my fault. It's all my fault. I killed her.

She was to young she wasn't supposed to die. we were supposed to grow old and watch our children have kids. It shouldn't have ended this early.

It's not fair.

~ THAT IS OFFICIALLY THE END. that was total shit 😂. that is basically what sam did when he found out and what happened and all that jazz. So yeah I might make a new book who even knows anymore. *shrugs*. I love you all whether you've been with me since the first chapters or you just found out.

goodbye for now

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