// 18 //

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Vidcon was possibly the best experience ever. Meeting over a million people is crazy, just the thought I knowing that many people watch my stupid self every week and pay to meet me is just so bizarre. We had gotten home literally like 30 minutes ago and Sam, Kian, and I went back to Sam Clemente and Claire is staying a Jonah's for a little bit since they haven't spent much time together if you know what I mean. Eh? Eh? Ya ok....

"I'm tired I'm gonna go to my place and sleep." I told Sam getting up as he tightened his grip around my waist.

"Stay here with me." He pouted.

"These jeans aren't comfortable though and neither is this shirt." I point out.

"Wear this, just stay here." He says as he sits up and takes off his shirt and gives me it. I smile and get up, grabbing the shirt and went to the bathroom.

I walked into his bathroom and took off the shirt and pants and replaced then with Sam's shirt was was, like usual, too big for me and apparently it's hot or something but I don't see how.

I still love wearing his shirts though I dot know If it's the fact that they smell like him or the fact that there his, I have no clue.

I brushed through my tangled hair as it became wavy. I grabbed my jeans and shirt and walked back into Sam's room and just put them on the ground.

"I don't know if it's because I'm super tired but your really turning me on right now." He says looking me up and down as I laughed. I don't see how I literally could probably be mistaken as a homeless person.

"How I look horrible right now." I laugh airing down on his bed next to him.

"You could never look horrible." He said as he moved my hair to one side and slowly kissed my neck. Fuck I really wanna sleep but this feels really good.

"Sam." I say as he ignores me and continues kissing my neck as he makes his way up to my jawline.

"Sam not now." I say as he just looks at me, lust clear in his eyes.

"C'mon I haven't been able to kiss you for the past month." He groans.

"I have needs ya know." He says as I chuckle.

"Especially when your wearing my shirt and only my shirt." He adds lowly as his fingertips traced over my thighs giving me goosebumps.

"Not tonight I just wanna sleep." I said quietly.

"Ok sorry." He said laying back down as I laughed quietly.

"It's fine." I say as I lay down next to him as he wraps his arms around me as I smile.

"What why are you smiling." He asks poking my cheek.

"What I can't be happy and smile?" I ask.

"No you can and I like it when you are because it makes me happy." he said smiling.

"Good." I said as I intertwined out hands and played with his fingers, suddenly not able to sleep.

"You make me happy." He whispered.

"You make me happy to." I whispered back and turned over and snuggled into him, like I usually do.

"Night baby." He said kissing my forehead as I smiled.

"Night Sam." I said back as we both fell asleep even though it was like 8 at night and early as hell but I got no sleep at vidcon and I don't think Sam did either.

I woke up to see Sam was still sleeping as I smiled at him even though he was sleeping. I'm honestly so luck to have him as a boyfriend let alone in my life, sure we've had our ups and downs but all in all he's fucking amazing and I love him.

What is Trust / Sam Pottorff / completedWhere stories live. Discover now