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"Were going shopping and to the beach and were being California bitches today so get up!" I heard Claire yell jumping on me. To say she was excited was at the least she was jumping off the walls when I told her were going to California this Summer.

"I'm gonna claw your eyes out if you don't stop." I groaned pulling the covers over my head. I treasure my sleep.

"No get up and get ready." She said pulling the cover off my face as the sunlight burnt my eyes.

I just groaned and shoved my face in my pillow.

"I won't hesitate to go get the water." She warned as I got up.

"I'm up I'm up I'll be downstairs in an hour." I yawned as she smirked proudly and walked out.

I walked to my closet to pick out some clothes. http://www.polyvore.com/m/set?.embedder=10591946&.svc=copypaste&id=126780375

Once I was dressed and I finished my hair I put on my normal makeup which in concealer, BB cream, powder, and eye makeup like Hanna Marin's from Pretty Little Liars.

I looked at my phone to see it was noon when I was done so I slipped on some flip flops and went downstairs where Claire was watching TV.

"Let's go." I said to her As I looked on the counter to see a note from Lauren.

*Claire said you two were going shopping so take this and go crazy I was your age once and I loved shopping and not worrying about a budget split it so 500$ each ;)

Love you, Lauren*

Oh the perks of having a filthy rich dad.

"Here's 500 dollars for you Lauren said to take it and spend it." I said giving her the 500 and put mine in my pocket with my credit card so I can put the money into my card at the ATM.

"Holy shit seriously?!" She said suprised.

"Ya as you can't tell by there house there rich as hell." I said sarcastically.

"Let's just get going I'm starving!" She said slipping her shoes on.

I grabbed the keys as we left the house.

"Know any good places for lunch?" She asked as we drove.

"Taco Bell!" I yelled and made a sharp turn cutting some guy off. I never said I was a nice driver.

"YASS!" She yelled putting her hands in the air as I laughed.

"Oh my god you were right there are hot guys everywhere in the Summer." She said checking out a guy in the car next to us.

There were literally no hot guys in Oklahoma except for one or two.

"I don't lie." I smirked.

"Sure sure." She said doubtfully and I roll my eyes.

"So is California everything you've ever dreamed of?" I asked laughing as she scoffed.

"Obviously hot guys, beaches, good stores, and this Taco Bell tastes like heaven!" Se said taking another bite of her taco.

"Told you best Taco Bell in the city." I said proudly.

After we finished our food we headed over to the mall and so far we've got 7 bags each and were done 300 dollars and it's been three hours.

I looked through the each of clothes at H&M as Claire tapped my shoulder.

"Um Reese." She said hesitantly.

"Ya?" I asked looking through the next rack and pulled out a shirt putting it up to me.

"What do you think?" I asked.

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