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~three years later~

"Claire hurry up!" I yelled to my best friend.

"I'm coming hold on!" She yelled back as I heard her footsteps come down the stairs.

"Took you Long enough I saw an iceberg float past while you were up there." I laughed as he glared at me.

"Ready to hit up Cali?!" Claire yelled.

"Hell ya!" I yelled back.

"I can't wait to go back I love California." I told her as we got together our suitcases.

I stayed the night at her house for no real reason so we said bye to my parents yesterday and were leaving as well as saying bye to her family today.

"Girls I'm going to miss you so much!" Her mom said hugging us both.

When I moved to Oklahoma three years ago Claire and I quickly became best friends and our families became good friends as well.

"I'll miss you to." I smiled hugging her.

"You girls stay out of trouble okay? I don't need police calls from California." She told us hugging Claire.

"No promises." Claire's smirked as her mom gave 'the look' most moms give as she put her hands up in surrender.

"I promise I promise." She said laughing.

"You to Reese." She pointed as me.

"I'll keep her in check and I won't get into trouble because I'm a good girl." I said and smiled like a little kid and she laughed.

"In gonna miss you both so much." She said hugging us again.

"Alex say bye to your sisters!" Her mom yelled to Claire's younger brother.

Ya were that close were basically apart of eachothers family.

Alex came running us as he hugged us and said bye.

~skip byes and they landed in California ~

"I forgot how hot it was here." I laughed as we walked outside into the sun.

"It's not usually this hot in Oklahoma this early in June." Claire said as we started loading our bags into the truck of our new car for this Summer. Our bags with clothes and stuff like that were already shipped to where were staying, my rich dad's house. My parents are divorced an my dad got rich and married a 29 year old. It's weird if you ask me in a way she's 29 and he's 40.

"Holy shit your dad's rich." Claire said looking at the inside of the car as we got in.

"Filthy rich I can basically get whatever I want when it comes to my dad and this summer you will to." I said and smiled.

"Oh and don't worry there gone half the time anyways with work or ok some wild vacation so there not usually home." I told her as she nodded turning the radio on.

I backed out of the parking space and looked to her.

"Summer 2014 will be the shit." I told her and drove off.

Fancy by Iggy Azalea came on as we started singing and attempting to rap.

We basically did that with every song that came on until we got to the house.

We got out of the car and popped open the trunk as we got out bags out.

"Reese!" My step mom said running, or attempting to run, up to me in her sky high heels as she hugged me.

She's actually pretty cool she's not some bitchy step mom.

"I missed you to Lauren!" I said hugging her back. She stepped back and examined Claire.

"Who is this beautiful lady you brought with you?" She asked as Claire laughed.

"This is my best friend Claire." I said.

"Claire meet Lauren, my stepmom, Lauren meet Claire, my best friend." I introduced them as she pulled Claire into a hug as she hugged back.

"Well we have your bags in your rooms your having for the summer so why don't you unpack then we will get stuff to decorate it!" She said excitedly clapping her hands together as we grabbed our bags and walked inside.

She showed us around the house until she showed us our rooms.

The rest of the day we unpacked and bought decorations and finished decorating our rooms.

"Hey Reese?" Someone said opening the door to my room.

I quickly recognized the voice as Claire's.

I sat up as she sat on my bed.

"Hey what's up?" I asked tiredly.

"You remember the boy you told me about a while ago that you went out with before you came to Oklahoma?" She asked looking at me.

Sadly I do. I just wish I could forget him. He caused so much pain in my life when he broke up with me, rather Kian sent me a picture of him kissing another girl, he had no explanation other then he's sorry and that was the last time I talked to him was when I broke up with him.

"Ya I do sadly. Why?" I chuckled.

"What if you see him again I mean your dad still lives in the same house and he lives on the same block because hate to break it to ya unless he moved your going to see him again." She said and that's when it hit me. I hadn't actually thought about that, I mean ya it's crossed my mind but what would I do? (He still lives in San Clemente but he has a house with Kian. I wish omg)

"I really don't know Claire. I honestly don't. I'm over him though we were stupid 15 year olds it was just a stupid teenage relationship that means nothing to me." I told her trying to make myself believe it to.

"Fifty shades of bullshit Reese. Your mom may not be able to see through you but I can and I know your lying plus your not looking me on the eye your looking at my forehead you always do that when your lying." She explained.

It's times like this where I hate having a best friend that knows every little thing about you.

"Damn you." I said as she just laughed.

"I don't know I don't know any of it right now. It will hurt a little I mean I thought I loved him but I don't but he did mean a lot to me in that point in my life." I told her as she nodded.

"I'm just saying you more likely then not will run into him here. Were spending three months here and maybe moving here." She said. That's true we both wanted to love in California is and I wanted to come back so were also looking for apartments or houses while were here, and if Sam still lives here I'll have to get over feelings I had three years because I'm bound to see him a lot.

"I'll just see what happens when and if I even see him." I said.

"Ok well I'm gonna go back to bed night." She said getting up.

"Night love ya." I said laying back down.

"Love ya to." She said and closed the door.

Let's just hope I won't see him.

~ hey lovelys! I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter and Sam will be in the next chapter I promise! Picture of Reese on the side. Haha I'm on my way to a waterpark with my friend so I'll probably write on the way there. Vote and add this story to your library's.

💕 stay beautiful 💕

~ Reese ~

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