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Brittneys POV

I sat in my car and cried while staring at Wayne's number. I unblocked him and contemplated on calling him.

I was at the abortion clinic waiting on my appointment. I got here 30 minutes early because I knew I was going to be like this.

People were outside protesting and it just made me feel worse.

Forget it. I'm about to just call him.

"Hello" ? He said into the phone.

"H-h-hey" i stuttered.

"What's up stranger"? He questioned. "That nigga must not be doing his job. You finally calling back after a month of ignoring me"

"Look, not now. It's  important".

"What"? He questioned.

"I'm pregnant and I'm about to get rid of it. I'm at my appointment now"

"it's mine"?

"Duh. I would'nt even be calling you if it wasn't" I said.

"Shit I don't know. I haven't been talking to you. Ain't no telling what you been doing"

"I've only been with you! You know what, fuck you . I'm not keeping it no way."

"Why not? Cause you know it ain't mine"?

"Fuck you. I don't even know why I called" I spat.

"If it's mine, don't get rid of my baby. Just give it to me and you don't have to worry about it. " he said.

"No I would never do that.

"And you think killing a baby is better? You need help " he said.

"I don't care what you think. I'm not trying to be alone and a single mom"

"You don't have to be. You left me alone"

"Look at the shit you did to me, are you serious" ?

"You right. Well you don't have to financially take care of anything. I will pay for everything. the baby can live with you and I'll take care of baby sitters and daycare while you work. "

"I've made up my mind. My appointment is in 5 mins so bye." I hung up and went inside. I had my AirPods in and loud as I looked straight ahead.

I didn't want to have to listen to them and start crying and run up out of here.

I walked inside and checked in. It was a couple of people in here but it wasn't too packed. They let me know that I had to have someone up here with me to drive me home.

Wayne is the only person that knows and I didn't want to tell anyone else anything. I sighed.

He sent me a text.

Please don't kill my baby.
I love you and I'm sorry but please don't do this to me. I may have done a lot of things to hurt you
but don't kill our baby because of my selfish and wrong decisions. you don't have to worry about anything
I will take care of it all and be there whenever y'all need me.
You don't even have to talk to me anymore because I understand you.

I looked at it and read over it 3 times. I felt my eyes watering. I got up and went to the front desk to tell her to cancel my appointment.

I walked out and some protesters were telling me that I was going to be blessed and that I made the right decision.

I went to my car and let him know that I'll be keeping it.

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