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6 weeks later

I sat on the bathroom floor crying, while looking at my positive pregnancy test.

I wanted to call Wayne so bad and curse him out but I didn't want to tell him because I knew he'd try to talk me out of having an abortion.
We've always talked about having a baby together but I didn't want it to happen this way. We're not even together, nor have I been talking to him.

I called the clinic and made an appointment for Thursday which was two days from now.
I didn't tell anyone that I was pregnant although I wanted to so bad. I could use some support right now.

I was throwing up bad but I still had to get up and get ready for work.


I finished my shift and went home.

Once I got out the tub I got a FaceTime from Lorenzo.

"Damnnnn , you been with your man or something"?
He questioned.

"No. Im going through something and you know I worked today. Why are you still up" ?

"What's wrong"? He asked.

"I don't want to talk about it" I quickly said. "Why are you up"?

"I couldn't sleep. You want some company" ? He asked.

"Please" I said.

"Alright im on my way" he said.

20 minutes later he arrived at my house, I let him in and we went straight to my room.

He took off everything but his boxers then laid in the bed with me. He grabbed my feet and started massaging them.

"Mmm that feels so good. I missed this" I said while looking at him as He smiled at me.

"So what we doing Brittney? We've been talking everyday, all day for the past month plus I've been over here almost everyday so Are we gonna give us another try"? He asked me.

"Are you even ready for all of that Lorenzo"?

"Yes I am. I should be asking you that. With This shit you and Wayne got going on"

"We don't have anything going on."

"So what's up" ? He questioned.

"We can give it another try" I smirked.

"So now that we're back together, I don't want to hear shit about no Wayne. He don't need to be calling your phone, texting you, popping up or none of that shit."

"Ok Lo" I said while laughing. "Now if this don't work that's just a sign that I need to be single for a while.

"I feel you, but about that thing that you skipped over. Just know that I'm serious Brittney because next time, I might have my piece on me" he said referring to his gun.

"Lorenzo calm down, it's not that serious, you do sum dumb shit like that and you will never see me again because you would be doing life in prison"

"So you wouldn't come see me"? He chuckled,

"we would not last because you would be doing life and you knew what I meant" I said.

"Yeah aight." He said right before kissing me.

My phone started ringing and it was Wayne.

"Answer it" he said.

"No it's not important"

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