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The next day.

The girls and I decided to go to brunch.

We were sitting at our table just vibing to the music.

"So I'm leaving tonight yall" Nicki said.

"Why" ? I questioned.

"I have a video shoot tomorrow" she's said.

"I thought you were staying for 3 days? Cookie asked.

"Yeah I was but Mariah was only available for tomorrow and the day after. we've been waiting on her for months now. We have to get this video done in only 2 days."

"Well we leave in 3 days, you coming back"? Chelle asked.

"No. I feel like it's no point since I would only be coming back for one day." She said.

"Makes sense." Dani said.

"So y'all. I'm a week late but I don't want to worry too much because I've been 2 weeks late before and nothing. " Chelle said.

"Have y'all been trying"? Nesha asked.

"Not really but we haven't been careful either and I'm not on birth control. He wants kids and I do too but in a year or two. "

"So what are you gonna do"? Dani asked.

"Keep it. Whatever happens, happen at this point. I'm married so why not. I want a family with my husband. I just rather had waited a little longer if I am." Chelle said.

"Well we're getting a test when we leave here" Nicki said.

"I'm so nervous"

"Don't be. You got us" I said.

"I know" Chelle said.

We ordered our food and drinks then we took pictures.

I posted my picture and Wayne commented on it

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I posted my picture and Wayne commented on it. I laughed and shook my head.

After eating, we got up and danced to the music and just having fun until a female came up to me.

"Brittney right"? She questioned.

"Ummm do I know you" ? I questioned.

"No but tell Wayne I've been calling him about his baby please"

"Call him again" I said. Like what the hell? Wayne play too many damn games. I'm so tired of it.

"Everytime I call from a different number, he hangs up when he find out it's me. He blocks my family and I on social media when we try to reach out. I'm going to take him to court so he better respond soon. "

"I'm sorry but that's not my problem nor my man. Take that shit up with him" I said walking away.

A few seconds later as I was walking away, I get pushed to the ground. I quickly got up and punched her in her face. I blacked out then started beating her ass.

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