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Brittney POV

The bell rang for lunch and I was waiting for Lo to meet me by the lockers like he always do but after 5 minutes he still didn't show up. I sighed and tried calling him but he didn't pick up. I decided to go to the lunchroom and I see him smiling and talking to Amiya.

"Ummm excuse me" ? I said with an attitude. He looked at me and then continued to talk to her.

"Fuck you" I said right before walking off.

"Man bring yo ass here" he slightly yelled but I kept walking. He grabbed my backpack strap and took me outside.

"Get off me Lorenzo" I said while snatching away.

"We need to talk" he said.

"Go talk to that bitch" I spat

"Like you was Talking to Wayne right"?

"What the hell are you talking about"? I asked.

"Yeah I heard you was talking to him all night outside at the party and y'all was kissing and shit and you smoked with him but you don't even smoke. What the fuck is all that about" ?

"First of all we wasn't kissing or doing anything. Right after we FaceTimed, he was smoking outside and walked over to me. Yes we were talking for about an hour and I did hit his blunt a few times. Who the hell told you that lie" ?

"That don't fucking matter. It's bad enough you went to the party and you getting alone time with that nigga ? You at a fucking party, the fuck you outside talking for" ?

"It wasn't like that Lorenzo , damn." I replied.

"Aight. Let me hear something else bout you and him and I'm done. The fuck you doing hanging around a nigga I don't even fuck with. It's bad enough I let you go to the party. Trying to be nice and shit cause I trusted you"

"All we did was talk. I was high as hell so I didn't even realize the time"

"And when did you start smoking Nene? You know what fuck it. I'll talk to you later. " he said before walking off.

"So you're just going to walk off without finishing this talk" ?

"Yeah. I'm not tryna argue with you and say something ima regret. " he said and kept walking. I sighed and went back in the lunchroom to find Chelle , Cookie and Nesha since I had lunch with them. I can not fucking believe somebody told him that dumb ass lie.

"What's wrong with you"? Cookie asked.

"Girl somebody told Lorenzo that I was kissing Wayne and talking to him for hours and That I smoked with him. "

"What the hell? Who told him that"? She asked.

"I don't know. He didn't say but he's pissed tf off" I said.

"Girl people are weird af. Just be making shit up knowing him and Wayne don't deal with each other. I bet it was a jealous ass bitch" Chelle said.

"Had to be cause wtf then he was all up in Amiya's face. "

"Damn and she talk to my cousin. I should tell on her ass" Nesha said making us laugh.

"Don't stress it though friend. Lo know how you roll. I don't even know why he letting a stupid rumor get to him. " Cookie said.

"He so ready to fuck another bitch that's why" I spat.

"I doubt it. Just let shit play out. He'll come around. I'll give his ass until the end of the day. Y'all can never stay mad at each other" Cookie said.

"Definitely can't. Y'all are obsessed with each other, it's sick" Chelle said.

"Niggas cars finally get out the shop and they start making up shit so they can hoe around" I said making them laugh. I wasn't trying to either. I'm going to let it go though because I'm not going to let this ruin my day. I just want to know who the fuck told him that.

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